Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

1230 Financial Aid

Return to: 1200 Financial Information  

Financial aid is any scholarship, grant, loan, or part-time employment offered for the purpose of helping a student meet their educational expenses. Aid is usually provided by federal, state, institutional or private agencies. In order to apply, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students are encouraged to apply online at

Recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated financial need and/or academic achievement. Information concerning application for financial assistance is available from the Office of Student Financial Aid. The FAFSA is available after October 1, 2020 for the 2021-2022 academic year. Students are urged to apply early for optimum financial aid benefits at April 1, 2021 is the priority date for submission of completed financial aid applications to the Office of Student Financial Aid. The Office of Student Financial Aid cannot guarantee that applications made after July 1, 2021 will be processed before the beginning of the fall semester.

Some programs offering financial assistance to students are administered by offices or organizations other than the Office of Student Financial Aid. Contact information concerning a particular program or group of programs appears with each listing.

Audited, orientation, and certain certificate courses are not covered by financial aid. Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for a passed course attempted more than two times.

For more information on financial aid see

1230.05 Satisfactory Academic Progress

In order for a Georgia State University student to continue to receive financial aid from federal or state financial aid programs, the student must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards as defined in Georgia State University SAP Policy. Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined by federal regulations as an assessment of a student’s cumulative academic performance to determine if a student is academically progressing toward earning a degree. The assessment includes all accepted transfer and institutional attempted hours; this includes hours where financial aid may or may not have been awarded.

The assessment is measured using both a qualitative and quantitative standard. The qualitative standard requires that a student meet a certain cumulative GPA. The quantitative standard requires: 1) a pace of progression - a student must earn a certain percentage of courses attempted; and 2) maximum time-frame - a student may receive financial aid up to 150 percent of the published program of study required hours to earn a degree.

Satisfactory Academic Progress is assessed at the end of each semester, and if at the time of the assessment it is determined that the standards are not being met the student will be allowed a warning period to continue to receive financial aid. If at the end of the warning period the student has not met the SAP standards, the student will become ineligible for financial aid. Students that lose financial aid eligibility have the ability to appeal for reinstatement of financial aid. Appeals that are approved will have conditions that must be followed in order to continue to receive financial aid.

For information on Georgia State University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy a student may visit the Student Financial Management Center at any of the campus locations, and the policy is available at

1230.07 Course Program of Study (CPoS)

Over time, the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid (FSA) regulations have evolved to help guide students to academically progress and be successful in earning a degree. One such regulation, requires that Federal Student Aid only pay for courses within a student’s Program of Study. Federal Student Aid includes: Pell Grant, Supplemental Equal Opportunity Grant (SEOG), TEACH Grant, Direct Student Loan, and Direct Parent Loan programs.

Georgia State University’s Enrollment Services Division works in close collaboration to assist students that are impacted by this regulation. This collaboration begins when registration opens, students awarded Federal Student Aid and enrolled in courses outside of their Program of Study, are notified and given an opportunity to work with the University Advisement Center. Students are also encouraged to monitor their own account in DegreeWorks to track academic progress.

Students that opt to remain enrolled in courses that are outside the Program of Study will have Federal Student Aid adjusted to pay for those courses identified as being within the Program of Study.

For additional information on

1230.10 Scholarships

A scholarship is financial assistance which does not have to be repaid and is awarded to students based on academic excellence, civic achievements, course of study, or other specific criteria developed by the sponsor. For further details about scholarships available at Georgia State University visit Additionally, students may visit the Scholarship Resource Center located at 251 Sparks Hall.

HOPE Scholarship/Zell Miller Scholarship

Students who are considered Georgia residents and are enrolled in an undergraduate degree program may be eligible for the HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship. HOPE Scholarship covers a percentage of tuition at a certain rate that is determined annually. Zell Miller Scholarship covers 100% of standard tuition. Fees and books are not covered by HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship. When a student reaches 7 years following their High School Graduation or Completion Date, their ability to be eligible for HOPE Scholarship expires; the exact expiration date can be found at If academically eligible, HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship can only be received for the first 127 Attempted Degree Hours or the first 127 Paid Hours taken after High School Graduation.

Starting with courses taken in the Fall 2017 semester and after, approved STEM courses at HOPE eligible institutions will receive additional weight when calculated into the cumulative post-secondary HOPE GPA calculation for HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships. A weight of 0.5 will be added to grades of B, C or D. The approved courses are specific, rigorous and typically offered during the first two years of college. The “STEM Weighted Course List” will be reviewed on an annual basis by the STEM Weighted Course Approval Council. The courses currently approved are ones required to obtain a major leading to one or more of the STEM career fields that require at least a bachelor’s degree and are considered to be in high demand in Georgia. Please review the list of courses in the STEM Weighted Course Directory.

HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship academic eligibility can be viewed via the My College HOPE Profile on your account.

HOPE Scholarship

HOPE Scholarship recipients must have at least a cumulative 3.0 HOPE GPA at the 30th, 60th, and 90th attempted hour checkpoints, and at end of each Spring semester in order to maintain eligibility. If HOPE Scholarship eligibility is lost at a checkpoint, it can be regained at a future 30th, 60th, or 90th attempted hour checkpoint with a 3.0 cumulative HOPE GPA as long as all other requirements are still met. If a student loses eligibility twice, they are no longer able to become eligible. If a student does not meet the HOPE GPA requirements at the 90th attempted hour checkpoint, they cannot gain eligibility afterwards.

A student who is not academically eligible for HOPE Scholarship out of High School and meets all other requirements can gain eligibility with a 3.0 cumulative HOPE GPA at the 30th, 60th, or 90th Attempted Hour Checkpoints.

For additional information on the HOPE Scholarship visit and

Zell Miller Scholarship

A student can only be eligible for Zell Miller Scholarship if they are a Final Zell Miller Scholar out of High School. If a student is not a Final Zell Miller Scholar, they cannot gain Zell Miller Scholarship eligibility. The qualifications for being considered a Final Zell Miller Scholar out of High School are as follows:

Students who graduated from an eligible high school in 2011 or beyond:

Must have at least a 3.7 High School GPA and a 1200 on the Math and Reading portions of the SAT or a 26 composite on the ACT OR graduate as the Valedictorian or the Salutatorian from an eligible high school OR graduate from an ineligible high school with a 1200 on the Math and Reading portions of the SAT or a 26 composite on the ACT AND achieve at least a 3.3 HOPE GPA at the 30 semester hour check-point in college. For more information on the Zell Miller Scholarship, or to view the regulations, please contact the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC): 770-294-9000 or 800-505-GSFC (4732) or

Students who first entered college in 2007 or beyond:

Must have at least a 3.7 HOPE GPA and a 1200 on the Math and Reading portions of the SAT or a 26 composite on the ACT or having graduated as the Valedictorian or the Salutatorian from an eligible high school AND must have had at least a 3.3 post secondary HOPE GPA at the 30th, 60th, or 90th attempted hour checkpoint.

Zell Miller Scholarship recipients must have at least a cumulative 3.3 HOPE GPA at the 30th, 60th, and 90th attempted hour checkpoints and at end of each Spring semester in order to maintain eligibility. If Zell Miller Scholarship eligibility is lost, a student can still be eligible for HOPE Scholarship if their cumulative HOPE GPA is at least 3.0. If Zell Miller Scholarship eligibility is lost at a checkpoint, eligibility can be regained at a future 30th, 60th, or 90th attempted hour checkpoint with a cumulative 3.3 HOPE GPA. If a student loses Zell Miller Scholarship eligibility twice, they are no longer able to become eligible. If a student does not meet the 3.3 cumulative HOPE GPA requirements at the 90th attempted hour checkpoint, they cannot gain eligibility afterwards.

For more information on Zell Miller Scholarship visit and

1230.15 Grants

Eligibility for federal student aid grants are based on high financial need. Award amounts for these grants vary but do not have to be repaid. All recipients must be in a degree-seeking program working toward a first baccalaureate degree; be a US citizen or an eligible non-citizen; be making Satisfactory Academic Progress; cannot be in default or owe a repayment on a previous financial aid award; and must register with Selective Service if required to do so.

Pell Grant

Available almost exclusively to undergraduates; in some cases, however, you might receive a Pell Grant if you’re enrolled in a post baccalaureate teacher certificate program; all eligible students will receive the Federal Pell Grant amount they qualify for.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

For undergraduates with exceptional financial need; priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients; funds depend on availability at school.

1230.20 Student Loans

A loan is a form of financial assistance which must be repaid. While Georgia State University does not encourage borrowing, loans are frequently necessary to meet educational costs not covered by the student’s income, the family’s contribution, or grant and scholarship awards. When student loans are necessary, Georgia State University advises borrowing conservatively.

Undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need may borrow through the Federal Direct Student Loan program, and parents of dependent undergraduates may borrow through the Parent PLUS Direct Loan Program. The Office of Student Financial Aid will determine loan eligibility by year in school, prior indebtedness, and academic standing.

All recipients must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree seeking program, be a United States citizen or an eligible non-citizen, be making Satisfactory Academic Progress, cannot be in default or owe a repayment on a previous financial aid award, and must register with the Selective Service if required to do so. Upon acceptance of a loan, a first-time borrower must complete Entrance Counseling, and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) at

Federal Direct Loan borrowers who are leaving school, dropping below half-time enrollment, or graduating must complete Exit counseling at Exit counseling provides you with information about repayment and your rights and responsibilities.

Perkins Loan

The Perkins Loans program expired September 30, 2015 and allowed certain student populations to receive final awards through the 2017-2018 academic year. The 2017-2018 academic year was the last year that a student may receive a Perkins Loan.

Private Educational Loans

Private educational loans, also known as alternative or commercial loans, help bridge the gap between the actual cost of education and the limited amount the government allows a student to borrow from its programs. Private educational loans are offered by many lending institutions. Terms and conditions can vary significantly from one institution to another.

1230.30 Student Employment Programs

Working part time while attending school is another way students may help pay for college expenses such as tuition, books, transportation, and meals. It can also provide valuable experience for resumes.

Federal Work-Study and Panther Work Program

The purpose of the Federal Work-Study and the Panther Work Program is to provide jobs for students who need financial assistance. Applicants must demonstrate need and have a complete FAFSA to be considered. Students may apply for part-time employment at Handshake, Georgia State University’s central 24/7 online job and internship board for students.

For additional information on Federal Work-Study and Panther Work Program visit

1230.40 Veterans Financial Assistance

Veterans Benefits

The Office of the Registrar assists eligible military-connected students with their veterans education benefits provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Any veteran who wishes to attend Georgia State University under any of the veteran education benefit programs provided by public law must apply to the Georgia State University Office of Admissions in the normal manner. It is advisable for a veteran who has not previously used any education benefits to apply to the Department of Veterans Affairs for those benefits. For a veteran who will be transferring to Georgia State University from another institution where education benefits were received, a veteran must submit a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training form (VA Form 22-1995 for veterans and VA Form 22-5495 for eligible dependents) with the Department of Veterans Affairs concurrently with his or her application to Georgia State. As soon as the Georgia State University Office of Undergraduate Admissions notifies the applicant of his or her acceptance, and a certificate of eligibility has been received from the Department of Veteran Affairs, the applicant should contact the Office of the Registrar at

Continuing students who wish to receive benefits must complete the Online Veterans’ Enrollment Verification Form (gVerify), located at, each academic term. Students are certified on a term-by-term basis. Students whose attendance was interrupted must renew their certifications at the beginning of the next academic term of attendance in which they wish to receive benefits. Those students who are certified on a term by term basis will routinely experience a break in benefit payments between academic terms and should contact the Veterans Administration Regional Office to determine the amount and schedule of their benefit payments at

Yellow Ribbon Program

Georgia State University is proud to be a sponsor of the Yellow Ribbon Program in support of our nation’s veterans. The program provides additional assistance to cover out-of-state tuition that is currently not covered by the Post-911 GI Bill.

Program Details

  • Georgia State University contributes 50 percent toward out-of-state tuition charges for those eligible and the Department of Veteran Affairs matches Georgia State’s scholarship contribution. The program funding is only applied toward out-of-state tuition. It does not cover books, housing, and other student expenditures. Yellow Ribbon Scholarships are available only in fall and spring semesters.
  • Scholarships are awarded to 30 students on a first come, first serve basis. This means that after the initial application is approved, as long as the student remains continuously enrolled in a program of study at Georgia State and the University remains a participating institution, the student will be guaranteed to receive this scholarship. If continuous enrollment is not maintained, the student is required to re-apply for the program. If all scholarships have been awarded, a waiting list will be maintained. As scholarships become available, students placed on a waiting list will be honored first.

Eligibility Requirements

Non-active Service Member receiving Post 9/11 Educational Benefits at the 100 percent eligibility rate.

A dependent eligible for Transfer of Entitlement under the Post 9/11 GI Bill based on a Non-active Service Member’s service under the eligibility criteria listed above.

A Fry Scholarship recipient (eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program on or after August 1, 2018)

How to Apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program:

Veterans and their dependents interested in applying for this program should initiate an application through the Office of the Registrar, 224 Sparks Hall.

  1. Students must complete a Georgia State University’s Yellow Ribbon Application.
  2. A Certificate of Eligibility Letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs must be submitted with the Yellow Ribbon Application.

For more information regarding the Yellow Ribbon Program, contact the, Office of the Registrar,

Veteran Readiness Employment 

Learn about eligibility requirements for Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)-formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment at

If you’re a service member or Veteran and have a disability that was caused-or made worse-by your active-duty service and that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, you may be able to get employment support or services to help you live as independently as possible. VR&E employment coordinators, located at VA regional offices and other out-based locations can help you access the employment services available to you. Find an employment coordinator near you. Apply for Veteran Readiness and Employment with VA Form 28-1900.

1230.50 International Students, Students with Non-U.S. Academic Credentials, and Non-Native Speakers of English

International Students

Only United States citizens or eligible non-citizens may receive federal financial aid or State of Georgia financial aid. Permanent residents, asylees, and refugees are eligible non-citizens. Holders of A, B, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L or M visas are not eligible non-citizens.

An individual who has applied for permanent resident status is not eligible until that status is approved. An individual may have resident status in the State of Georgia but not be considered a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen. An individual is not eligible on the basis of the status of family members, for example a parent or a spouse.

All students that are not confirmed as U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) on their initial application for financial aid are required to submit appropriate documentation to the Office of Financial Aid. The Office of Financial Aid is required to submit this documentation to CIS for secondary confirmation. Until secondary confirmation is received, an individual cannot be approved to receive financial aid.

Students with Non-United States Academic Credentials

There are no special financial aid rules for students with non-United States academic credentials.

Non-Native Speakers of English

There are no special financial aid rules for students who are non-native speakers of English.