Mar 28, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

11000 Institute for Biomedical Sciences

Go to Institute for Biomedical Sciences Programs 


Undergraduate program information for the Institute for Biomedical Sciences is described in detail in this chapter. See subsections for specific program information as well as policies and procedures. The Institute for Biomedical Sciences also offers a MI.S. in Biomedical Enterprise and a Ph.D. in Translational Biomedical Sciences. Interested students should visit the Institute for Biomedical Sciences website at for updates on our degree offerings.

11000.10 General Information

About the Institute for Biomedical Sciences

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences was established in January 2014 as part of Georgia State University’s strategic plan that recommended enhanced contributions to the sciences, health, and medical education. The Institute is dedicated to advancing fundamental and innovative biomedical research that improves human health, as well as educating and training future generations of leading biomedical scientists that are poised to enter the workforce and support cutting-edge discoveries. The launch of the Institute represents the most recent progress toward establishing Georgia State as a premier urban research university.

Mission: The Institute for Biomedical Sciences is a leading multidisciplinary research and education (degree-granting) institute dedicated to advancing fundamental and innovative biomedical research that improves human health as well as educating and training future generations of leading biomedical scientists and health (non-M.D.) professionals.

Background: Despite tremendous advances in biological and medical research, significant gaps still exist between basic laboratory research and its clinical applications. Now more than ever there is an urgent need for bridging basic research to clinical management strategies. To meet this significant challenge and promote translational research from bench to bedside, the interface between the biomedical science disciplines has emerged as one of the most exciting interdisciplinary research fields in science. To significantly and rapidly accelerate Georgia State University as a recognized leader in this area, the Institute was established to expand contributions and efforts to research and education in these areas.

The Institute’s key assets include the University’s existing strengths in inflammation, immunity and infection, microbial pathogenesis, molecular and translational medicine, translational immunology, oncology, and therapeutics and diagnostics, which align with the its strategic priorities, Georgia’s commitment to be the nation’s hub for biomedical research and federal/non-federal funding priorities. Moreover, the Institute for Biomedical Sciences provides a world-class interdisciplinary training environment for preparation of technically skilled students that are capable of filling the diverse workforce needs in the biomedical sciences.

Philosophy (Success Through Synergy): The Institute for Biomedical Sciences is not only building a strong research presence in biomedical sciences, but also fosters a unique environment to promote synergistic and interdisciplinary collaboration with units internal to the University, other Georgia and non Georgia research institutions, major medical centers, private sector (e.g., biopharmaceutical, biotech) companies, and organizations/ foundations to develop world-class multidisciplinary research and education programs.


  1. Pursue excellence in fundamental and innovative research in the basic biomedical sciences.
  2. Advance diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures for major diseases, with an initial emphasis on inflammatory, immunological, infectious, metabolic and cardiovascular, and neoplastic diseases.
  3. Accelerate translation and commercialization outcomes by collaborating and interacting with partner institutions, hospitals and biopharmaceuticals.
  4. Provide an environment for preparing students to meet the future challenges and workforce needs in biomedical research and health professions


Office of the Director
716 Petit Science Center Building
Dr. Jian-Dong Li, Director
Dr. Cynthia Cornelissen, Associate Director

11000.20 Degrees Offered

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences currently offers the following undergraduate degree program:

  • Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Biomedical Science and Enterprise

11000.30 Research Centers and Initiatives

Areas of Research Focus

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences promotes interdisciplinary research that drives advances in biomedical sciences through synergistic collaboration, ultimately leading to better patient care. The focus is on understanding the mechanistic basis for a variety of important human diseases, such as inflammatory, immunologic, infectious, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, and developing innovative approaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Areas of research focus for the Institute for Biomedical Sciences are:

  • Immunology (molecular and cellular immunology, inflammation, immunity, chemical immunology, tumor immunology, systems and computational immunology)
  • Translational Immunology
  • Microbiology (molecular and cellular microbiology, host-pathogen interactions, microbiota, translational microbiology, systems and computational microbiology)
  • Microbial Pathogenesis
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Molecular, Cellular and Translational Medicine
  • Translational Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Translational Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  • Vaccinology

Center for Inflammation, Immunity & Infection

The mission of the Center for Inflammation, Immunity & Infection is to better understand the molecular basis of inflammatory diseases and further develop novel therapeutic strategies. Inflammation is one of the body’s major defense mechanisms in response to infection or injury, but when it is uncontrolled, it causes inflammatory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, otitis media and cancer.

Center for Microbial Pathogenesis

The Center for Microbial Pathogenesis is focused on studying such viruses as influenza virus, hepatitis C, dengue, Ebola, Marburg, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, cytomegalovirus, and several other negative-stranded RNA viruses. Studies are directed at understanding how the innate immune system of the infected host is counteracted by components of these viruses and how the interferon signaling system works on a molecular level. Researchers use this knowledge to develop new vaccines against these viruses and work to identify small molecular weight compounds for use as antivirals.

Center for Translational Immunology

The Center for Translational Immunology is focused on translating basic science immunological discoveries into improvements in the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. Current studies are directed at understanding the function of T cells in autoimmune diseases.

Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine

The Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine at Georgia State University meets healthcare needs by converting significant research findings into diagnostic tools and medicines to improve the health of individuals. The center is designed to help millions of people suffering from heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses. The current research focus of the center is to dissect molecular insights of cardiovascular remodeling in obesity and obesity related diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, and stroke, with special emphasis on the regulation of these processes.


11000.40 Academic Regulations

The requirements for entrance into Georgia State University are found in section 1100 of this catalog, which is devoted to undergraduate admissions. A transfer student must comply with all academic regulations of the university. The Institute for Biomedical Sciences reserves the right to validate by examination any credits accepted by transfer. This provision in no way affects the acceptance of courses used to satisfy core curriculum requirements at another unit of the University System of Georgia.

Students holding a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university who wish to complete another undergraduate degree are urged to clear all requirements with an advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance or the University Advisement Center.

Grades of C- in Major

Courses in the major require a grade of C- or higher. Some prerequisite courses for the major require a grade of C or higher to progress through the program.

Credit by Examination

A maximum of 18 semester hours of degree credit may be granted before or after matriculation to a student who receives satisfactory scores on certain subject examinations of the College Level Examination Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. The student should consult the appropriate school, the Office of Academic Assistance, or the University Advisement Center for further information.

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences follows university guidelines for the acceptance of credit by examination. See section 1320.40 Credit by Examination for specific course equivalencies. Credit by examination awarded does not apply toward the academic residence requirement.

Credit for Transient Work

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences students who wish to take course work at another institution, whether as a full-time or as a part-time student, must have prior written approval from the school, Office of Academic Assistance, or the University Advisement Center if they wish to apply the credit hours to a degree program. Failure to obtain the required prior approval will prevent the acceptance of such credits. Approval will be granted for no more than two terms of work and only if the student is in good academic standing at Georgia State University. No approval of requests to take courses in Atlanta-area colleges will be granted if the course is readily available from Georgia State University offerings. During the term in which the student is scheduled to graduate, all courses must be taken at Georgia State University unless prior written approval has been obtained from the school, Office of Academic Assistance, or the University Advisement Center. The acceptance and application of all course work taken as a transient student is subject to any limitations imposed by the student’s major school or program of study.

Please consult the “1175 Academic Regulations that Apply to Various Admission Categories ” section of this catalog for further clarification in regard to transient credit.

Policy on Allowing Undergraduates to Take Graduate Courses

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences Office of Academic Assistance will determine a student’s eligibility for admission into a graduate course. Eligibility does not guarantee permission to take a graduate level course. Once a student’s eligibility is determined by the Office of Academic Assistance, permission must be granted by the instructor for the course and the Institute for Biomedical Sciences Director of Graduate Studies. Please reach out to the Undergraduate Program Coordinator for approval process instructions.

11000.50 Office of Academic Assistance

110 Courtland St. SE
Courtland North, Suite 400

Paige Breuers, Undergraduate Program Coordinator


Advising and Academic Assistance

The Office of Academic Assistance in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences provides current and prospective students with comprehensive student support services to ensure academic success.

The Institute for Biomedical Sciences Office of Academic Assistance works in conjunction with the University Advisement Center. The University Advisement Center advises students with fewer than 90 credit hours while the Office of Academic Assistance advises students with 90 or more credit hours. The Institute for Biomedical Sciences Office of Academic Assistance works with students on career development, prepares evaluations of transfer work done at other institutions, and conducts academic program reviews. The office also assists with course selections, schedule revisions, and information concerning college and university policies.

Although the Office of Academic Assistance will endeavor to provide timely and accurate advisement, it is the responsibility of the student to know and to satisfy the degree requirements of his or her academic program. The Institute for Biomedical Sciences encourages its students to build relationships with faculty members. This position reflects the belief that a strong undergraduate program is possible only if there are frequent opportunities for students to discuss their academic work and career goals with one of their major professors. In a large institution such as Georgia State University, contact is essential if students are to receive individual attention and enjoy the full benefits of their education.

Student Organizations

Biomedical Student Association (BMSA)

The Biomedical Student Association is the student organization of the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State University. The Biomedical Student Association seeks to develop well-rounded biomedical professionals and promote meaningful interactions between students, faculty and staff, and health professionals. Throughout the school year, the Biomedical Student Association will organize social events, professional development opportunities, and public service events for students, faculty, and staff.

Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals

The appeals procedure for students in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences will follow different courses depending on the nature of the student’s appeal. Please refer to University Information Section 1382 Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals  under Polices and Disclosures in this catalog or visit for details.