Sep 07, 2024  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook

E. Potential Conflict of Interest in Amorous Relationships

Georgia State University prohibits amorous relationships between faculty, staff, and students within the Georgia State community if one individual could reasonably be expected to exercise academic, employment, or evaluative authority or influence over the other. (Graduate assistants or other student employees are considered both staff and students for the purposes of this Policy.)

Additionally, Georgia State University prohibits faculty and staff from having any evaluative authority (e.g., supervising, serving on hiring or dissertation committee) over a current or prospective faculty/staff member or student with whom the faculty/staff member has had a past amorous relationship, if there is a risk of a conflict of interest.


The individual in authority, as described above, shall report to the individual’s supervisor any amorous relationship with a current or prospective faculty/staff member, if there is a possible conflict of interest. Further, any faculty/staff member shall report to the faculty/staff member’s supervisor if the faculty/staff member has an amorous relationship with a current Georgia State University student. That supervisor will then confer with other campus units (e.g., Human Resources, Office of Legal Affairs), as needed, to assist in determining whether there may be a conflict of interest and the proper resolution. If appropriate, the supervisor and other campus units may prepare a written management plan in order to mitigate any conflict of interest (e.g., a mitigation plan could include a change in committee assignments or reporting lines).

There is no requirement to report the same relationship more than once, though the individual in authority may request a modification to a management plan if needed (e.g., because of a change in supervisory structure). Any individual who violates paragraphs I or II of this policy is subject to disciplinary action commensurate with the offense, up to and including termination.

Third Party Reporting

Any third party who believes that a faculty/staff member is in an amorous relationship with an individual under the faculty/staff member’s authority may report the alleged relationship to the individual’s supervisor or to Human Resources. That supervisor or Human Resources representative will then confer with other campus units, as needed, to assist in determining whether there may be a conflict of interest and the proper resolution.

When considering a faculty spousal hire, the hiring unit should evaluate whether one spouse could reasonably be expected to exercise academic, employment, or evaluative authority or influence over the other. The potential supervisor should then confer with other campus units, (e.g., Human Resources, Office of Legal Affairs), as needed, to assist in determining whether there may be a conflict of interest and the proper resolution.

Related Policies: USG Amorous Relationship Policy (USG Policy Manual, Georgia State University Policy on Individual Conflict of Commitment and Conflict of Interest

Amended - Student Life Committee - February 28, 2008
Amended - University Senate - February 11, 2021