Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook

J. Registered Student Organizations

1. Definition of Terms

  1. Division of Student Success - All references to the Division of Student Success include the specific units within the division to which administration, oversight, and support for Registered Student Organizations is assigned, such as Student Life.
  2. Registered Student Organization (RSO) - An entity separate and independent from the university whose membership is comprised of Georgia State University students, which meets the minimum university requirements of a Registered Student Organization, and has completed all necessary requirements established by the university.
  3. Active Student Organization- A Registered Student Organization that has complied with all requirements to be in good standing with the university as outlined in Section K.5.
  4. Inactive - A Registered Student Organization that once existed at Georgia State University, but is currently not registered and therefore is no longer eligible for benefits outlined in Section K.2.
  5. Social Fraternities and Sororities - Organizations that exist to promote fraternal relationships and personal development; requirement for membership is not limited to a specific field of study, class year, or grade attainment beyond the typical grade requirement; members are not permitted to hold members hip in other identified social fraternities or sororities at the university; the organization is affiliated with a(n) (inter)national organization; and the (inter)national organization has tax-exempt status under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code. These organizations are restricted as to location and may only be active and have a presence on the Atlanta Campus.

2. Benefits of being a Registered Student Organization

Registered Student Organizations are recognized as a part of the university community and are granted the privileges set forth below. They may:

  1. reserve certain meeting rooms and event space, subject to applicable use requirements;
  2. to meet on university premises provided that they make reservations through the appropriate authority where required for specific spaces (students and RSOs may not make reservations in the name of the RSO for use of university space by non-university Student Organizations, people or entities;
  3. petition for Student Activity Fee funding (only for RSOs);
  4. maintain an updated organization page in the on-line Student Organization database system;
  5. reserve vehicles through the Division of Student Success for official activity of the RSO; and
  6. promote and advertise the RSO on campus.

3. Jurisdiction

An organization whose membership includes students may be considered to be under university jurisdiction when it seeks to exercise one of the following privileges:

  1. hold meetings on university premises;
  2. use the facilities of the university for carrying on business;
  3. accept such financial support as may be available from the university;
  4. solicit funds or distribute materials to members of the University community;
  5. include the “Georgia State University” (or any similar indication of university affiliation) in its name;
  6. use the campus mail service; and
  7. promote or advertise the organization on campus.

4. Conditions for Registering and Maintaining Registration

Registration of a student organization does not constitute endorsement by Georgia State University or approval of the student organization’s policies, practices, and activities. To register a student organization at Georgia State University and maintain active status as a RSO, the following must be completed:

  1. select a name (see section K.12 for specific guidelines).
  2. adopt a statement of purpose.
  3. determine eligibility for membership.
  4. identify officer titles and duties.
  5. create a constitution that meets the guidelines outlined in the RSO Handbook.
  6. select a campus advisor, who meets the requirements listed in Section K.6.
  7. maintain five (5) members on the organization’s roster; members must be current Georgia State University students. RSOs that fall under Special Procedures may be given a one-semester exemption to this requirement, but will be limited in their activities to only those that are for recruitment/intake purposes.
  8. if applicable, be in good standing with any state, regional, and/or national governing bodies. Upon notification of the loss of good standing, Georgia State University will take appropriate corresponding action up to and including suspension of the RSO’s registration.
  9. attend any Mandatory Student Organization Trainings and meetings as required by the Division of Student Success.
  10. follow the process for Registering a Student Organization (Section I.7) and the Annual Re-registration (Section I.8).

5. Special Procedures

In addition to being registered with the Division of Student Success, certain RSOs must also seek prior approval from appropriate governing bodies and maintain the approval once given.

  1. Social Fraternities and Sororities: Expansion involves inviting inter/national fraternities and sororities to establish chapters at Georgia State University. This is encouraged when a need exists and the Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) community is viable for additional chapters. Expansion of social fraternities or sororities requires the adherence to the FSL Expansion Policy outlined by the Division of Student Success. Only inter/nationally recognized fraternities and sororities may be considered for expansion. Individuals wishing to re-establish a social fraternity or sorority must follow the FSL Expansion Policy outlined by the Division of Student Success. Once invited to expand, the registration process must be followed and the organization must maintain membership in one of the FSL governing bodies.
  2. Sport Clubs: Sport Club Student Organizations are made up of students who have a desire to compete or participate in a sport during their college career. Sport clubs are formed because no varsity team exists or because the talent, dedication, and interest to the sport demand an opportunity other than varsity athletics or intramurals. Sport Club teams function under student leadership and the monies needed to support them are generated through membership dues, fundraisers, donations, Department of Recreation Services or university support. Coaches and leaders are often unpaid volunteers or students. Teams or groups hold regular practices and often compete in an organized league with other collegiate sport club teams. Prior to any sport club submitting the New Organization Registration, the group must obtain approval from the Sport Clubs Coordinator in the Department of Recreation Services.
  3. Publication and Media Organizations: These Student Organizations must receive approval from the Committee on Student Communications prior to their submission of the New Organization Registration. The Committee on Student Communications has been authorized by the Division of Student Success to approve the editor or general manager of each such organization and to make necessary policies that govern the operations of such organizations.

6. Primary Campus Advisors and Campus Co-Advisors

  1. Each RSO is required to have a Primary Campus Advisor and to keep this information updated on-line as directed by the Division of Student Success in order to be registered. The campus advisor must be a full-time employee of the university. Graduate students are not eligible to serve as campus advisors. The position of campus advisor is a volunteer position without additional compensation. The campus advisor must review and acknowledge the organization registration, any update that is made to the RSO’s information submitted to the Division of Student Success, and other additional forms as needed. In addition, the campus advisor’s duty is to counsel and advise the officers and members of the organization. No campus advisor shall have the power to prohibit the free expression of any student members while participating in the activities of the RSO. If an RSO is unable to identify an advisor, the Division of Student Success will assist in securing a temporary advisor at the request of the RSO. The full procedure for temporary advisors is addressed in the RSO Handbook.
  2. RSOs may also have one or more campus co-advisors. Co-advisors must be at least a temporary part-time employee of the University. Graduate students are not eligible to serve as campus co-advisors. Co-advisor duties are to counsel and advise the officers and members of the organization. Co-advisors may not serve as the authority to review and acknowledge official university forms for the RSO.
  3. RSOs may have off-campus advisors in addition to the campus advisor. The off-campus advisor may be an individual who is not affiliated with the university, but that individual may only advise the organization and may not make executive decisions for the organization or dictate organizational programs or services. Off-campus advisors are guests to the university must adhere to all policies and procedures set forth in the RSO Handbook, the Division of Student Success, Georgia State University and the University System of Georgia.

7. Process for Registering a Student Organization

  1. Before creating an organization, students are encouraged to review the list of current RSOs to determine if any RSOs already exist that share common purposes and/or goals with which the students can join. After this review, submit the New Organization Registration with the Division of Student Success.
  2. An appointment with the designated Division of Student Success representative will be scheduled to review the registration submission and constitution.
  3. Attend a New Student Organization Orientation session offered by the Division of Student Success. This may be completed prior to submitting the “New Organization Registration”.
  4. Notification will be sent from the Division of Student Success, notifying the Student Organization of the approval or non-approval of Student Organization’s registration. The review of student organization registration is conducted on a content-neutral basis and the university’s approval or denial is not based on the mission, goals, or beliefs of any student organization but solely on the organization’s submission of a properly completed registration application that demonstrates a bona fide intent to sponsor programs, activities, or events for Georgia State students in compliance with all applicable university policies and procedures.
  5. Once approved by the Division of Student Success, new organizations are presented to the Student Life Committee of the University Senate

8. Annual Re-Registration

  1. Each academic year, RSO must update and verify their information with the Division of Student Success. Campus Advisors will review and acknowledge the submission, which will then be processed by the Division of Student Success. Failure to complete this annual renewal process will result in the organization being changed to Inactive. The procedure for re-registration can be found in the RSO Handbook.
  2. An Inactive Student Organization may request to become Active by contacting the Division of Student Success. The organization will be given one week to complete the annual renewal process or will return to being considered Inactive. After a Student Organization is Inactive for twenty-four (24) months or if the organization was put as Inactive due to a student conduct sanction, it is required to submit a “Petition to Re-Activate a Registered Student Organization”.

9. Petition to Re-Activate a Registered Student Organization

Submit a “Petition to Re-Activate a Registered Student Organization” with the Division of Student Success and follow the process outlined in Section K.7.b. through 7.f. You may contact the Division of Student Success and obtain information on file such as a constitution or other registration documents.

10. Suspension or Revocation of Registration

The registration of a RSO Organization may be suspended or revoked by the Office of the Dean of Students or the Division of Student Success following appropriate university policies and procedures as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and/or other governance documents that may apply to specific student organizations. The suspension of a registration will result in temporary loss of all benefits outlined in section K.2. The revocation of a registration will result in a permanent loss of all benefits outlined in section K.2. Organizations that have their registration suspended or revoked shall immediately:

  1. Cease all activities including, but not limited to, intake/recruitment activities, collection of dues, organizational meetings, and educational, social, recreational and philanthropic activities;
  2. Relinquish the organization’s designated room/office in university facilities, when applicable;
  3. Lose existing reservations and the use of any university facilities, equipment or services that were obtained on the basis of being a RSO;
  4. Be excluded from university publications as a RSO at Georgia State University;
  5. Lose the right to represent the organization as being affiliated with Georgia State University (e.g., no use of the university’s name in relation to the organization’s name whether on organization websites, in organization publications);
  6. Become ineligible, as a RSO, to participate in, cosponsor, or host university athletic, educational, cultural, social or other events;
  7. Become ineligible for student fee allocation, awards, honors, or any other privileges afforded to RSOs and their members.

11. Use of University Name, Logos, and Facilities

  1. Only RSOs may use “Georgia State University” in their name, unless given express written permission by the University, “Georgia State University” may only be used as a suffix to an RSO name (Example of acceptable use: “ABC Club at Georgia State University”. Example of prohibited use: “Georgia State University ABC Club”).
  2. No RSO may use the university’s name in such a way that states or reasonably implies that the activities of the organization are official university actions or are endorsed by the university. For example, no RSO may identify the university as a sponsor of an activity because such reference gives the appearance of university endorsement of the involved activity. It shall be a violation of this section to use the university name in such a way as to give the impression that action taken by the RSO or its individual members is official university action.
  3. No RSO may use the official logos and athletic marks of Georgia State University unless given express written permission by the University.

12. Academic Standards for Membership in Student Organizations

  1. General members of Student Organizations must have and maintain at least a 2.0 Georgia State cumulative grade-point average or better or as stated in the RSO’s constitution and bylaws, whichever is higher.
    1. Students who do not meet minimum academic standards for membership may participate in RSO hosted activities that are open to all students.
  2. Students seeking to serve as officers must meet all requirements for Student Leaders (section K).

13. Additional Policies and Procedures

  1. No RSO may collectively, or through the actions of its individual members, engage in discriminatory, harassing, obscene or indecent conduct.
  2. RSOs must adhere to all rules and regulations related to Student Fee Usage guidelines and Student Activity Fee policies. Policy, guidance and protocols for RSO funding, including but not limited to privately held funds and Student Activity Fee funds are available in the RSO Handbook.
  3. RSOs must cooperate with all reasonable requests for information by the university including, but not limited to, requests to review financial information and records.
  4. Student Organizations that host late night or special events must comply with the Special Event / Late Night Protocol, as outlined in the RSO Handbook.
  5. Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status.
    1. Religious student organizations will not be denied registration solely because they limit leadership positions to students who share the same religious beliefs.
    2. Any group that is formally affiliated with a national entity that has Title IX exemption status based on sex may have membership restricted based on sex.
  6. Hazing Statement: The RSO will prohibit its members, both individually and collectively from committing any acts of Hazing as defined in the Student Code of Conduct at Georgia State University.
  7. It is the responsibility of the RSO to maintain current and compliant governance documents online in the appropriate place within the Panther Involvement Network. The Division of Student Success may review RSO documents at any time and take the appropriate corrective action should documents be found to be out of compliance. If the Division of Student Success reviews any document and decides to take action, the RSO will be notified in writing.
  8. Organization Agreement: All RSOs agree to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, RSO Handbook, and all pertinent university policies, protocols, and procedures. Certain RSO benefits may require specific obligations. RSO student leaders must regularly engage designated communication and organizational management tools, maintain relevant RSO records and participation data, complete designated trainings, and participate in designated activities that promote RSOs and their activities to the broader student body.

Revised - Student Life Committee - March 18, 2004
Revised - Student Life Committee - November 16, 2006
Revised - Student Life Committee - March 22, 2007
Revised - Student Life Committee - March 20, 2008
Revised - Student Life Committee - March 18, 2010
Revised - Student Life Committee - March 26, 2015
Amended - Student Life Committee - March 25, 2021