Oct 25, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

1320 Course Credit

Return to: 1300 University Academic Regulations  

This section describes the various ways students may earn credit for Georgia State University courses without actually taking those courses at Georgia State.

1320.10 Transfer Credit Policy

When an applicant is accepted for undergraduate transfer admission, courses that parallel the curriculum of Georgia State University will be accepted for transfer credit. Credit must have been earned at institutions of higher education with full accreditation by one of the following accreditors:

  • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges
  • North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Courses completed at a two-year college will be granted lower-division credit.

The total number of hours that may be earned toward a degree by extension or correspondence courses may not exceed 30 semester hours.

Joint Services Transcript (JST) credits earned while serving in the Armed Services may also be evaluated for transfer credit on a case by case basis by the student’s academic advisor in conjunction with the academic department offering the course.

In general, transfer credit will not be awarded for a course that a student has previously attempted at Georgia State (including attempts which resulted in a withdrawal). However, individual departments may waive this rule for their courses.

Because the university has a minimum academic residence requirement, the amount of transfer credit applicable to a degree program may be limited. (See 1440 Academic Residence Requirement .) In addition, Colleges and Departments have their own transfer credit policies and this may also limit the amount of transfer credit applicable to a degree program. All such policies are stated in the Undergraduate Bachelor-Level Catalog in the following sections:

Georgia State maintains a web resource, advisement.gsu.edu/transfer-students/equivalency-charts/, which indicates courses at other institutions that will be accepted as transfer credit (subject to the restrictions noted in this section).If a course at another institution is not on this list, students should consult with the University Advisement Center.

The D Credit Grade Restriction applies to both resident and transfer credit. (See 1450 D Grade Credit Restriction .)

A student who takes a course at another institution will not receive transfer credit for that course until the end of the semester following the semester in which the course was taken. Therefore, students may not take courses for degree credit at another institution during the semester they plan to graduate from Georgia State.

Transfer Credit for Core Courses

Transfer Credit for Core IMPACTS Courses 

  1. Students will be granted credit for all Core IMPACTS courses if they hold one of the following: 

         a. a baccalaureate degree from U.S. institution of higher education accredited by one of the six accreditors listed above 

         b. for those who have graduated from a non-U.S. institution, the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree from a U.S. institution of higher education accredited by one of the six accreditors listed above as certified by    Georgia State or a Georgia State-approved agency. 

          c. an associate’s degree designed to transfer to a baccalaureate program from a University System of Georgia (USG) institution 

    ​2.  Students who hold any other associate’s degree, such as an associate’s degree from a non-USG institution or an associate’s degree not designed to transfer to a baccalaureate program, will be granted transfer         credit for Core IMPACTS courses on a course-by-course basis. 

1320.20 Credit Transfer for Transient Students

Transient students are Georgia State University degree-seeking undergraduates who enroll temporarily at another institution with the intention of returning to Georgia State. Georgia State remains the student’s home institution. Terms other than transient (such as visiting student, unclassified student, or special student) may be used at other institutions.

These regulations do not apply to credit earned through the ARCHE Cross Registration Program (ARCHE Cross Registration Program ).

It is vital that students considering transient status review the rules regarding transfer credit (Transfer Credit Policy), the rules regarding academic residency (1440 Academic Residence Requirement ), the rules regarding credit for grades of D (1450 D Grade Credit Restriction ), and individual college policies on the number of course attempts. The rules in these sections specify limits on the credits taken as a transient that will transfer to Georgia State as well as limits on the credits that will count towards the Georgia State degree requirements. Students are encouraged to check with their advisor and the transfer equivalency charts for more information about transfer credit prior to enrolling in the course. See http://advisement.gsu.edu/transfer-students/equivalency-charts/.

A degree-seeking undergraduate student who wishes to take academic courses elsewhere as a transient student and apply those credits toward the Georgia State degree is encouraged to certify the eligibility of the transient course for transfer credit with the University Advisement Center or the College Office of Academic Assistance. This should be done the semester before the student takes the transient class. Failure to certify that a transient course is eligible for transfer in a student’s degree program may result in a student taking a transient class that is not eligible for transfer credit or that does not count toward the fulfillment of degree requirements at Georgia State University.

It is the student’s responsibility to comply with application procedures and any other requirements that the other institution may have regarding establishing status as a transient student there.

After completing the course, it is the student’s responsibility to promptly request that an official transcript be sent from the other institution to: Georgia State University, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, P.O. Box 4009, Atlanta, GA 30302-4009. Once the official transcript is received, credit will be considered pending for the student’s degree program until finalized by an academic advisor. Questions about transfer credit for courses taken as a transient should be addressed to the student’s advisor in the University Advisement Center or the college Office of Academic Assistance.

1320.30 Credit for Correspondence or Extension Programs

Students may apply no more than 30 semester hours of work earned through correspondence or extension programs of other institutions toward the requirements for an undergraduate degree. Students are cautioned to consult with their academic advisor for additional college regulations on correspondence or extension work. Students must obtain the permission of the dean of their college, or the designated college representative, prior to taking correspondence courses to be applied toward the completion of the degree program.

1320.40 Credit by Examination

Georgia State University recognizes that learning can take place in various modes and places other than the traditional college classroom. Knowledge gained through experiential learning and other means is evaluated for possible college credit through examination. The Advanced Placement Program (AP), the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) are the most commonly used tests for this purpose. These are standardized examinations administered nationally each year. For information on CLEP, contact the University Testing Office, counselingcenter.gsu.edu/testing/. For information on AP and IB programs contact your high school guidance counselor.

Other standardized exams or special departmental examinations may be approved for credit. For further information, contact the appropriate college.

Georgia State University serves as a DANTES (DSST) test center; however Georgia State does not accept DSST credit.

For information on approved examinations, course equivalents, and credit award policies and requirements, please review the section below.

1320.50 College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examination

Official test scores should be mailed directly from the College Board to the Georgia State University Office of Undergraduate Admissions for review. Questions regarding credit awards should be directed to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at admissions.gsu.edu. High school counselors can provide information concerning the time and place for testing. Credit will be awarded for approved AP examinations as follows:

Exam: (Score for Georgia State Course Credit) = equivalent course prefix and number or explanation

1320.60 College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Georgia State University awards credit for some College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject exams, Tests should not be scheduled during the last semester before graduation because the limited time remaining may not be sufficient to allow for course validation and the awarding of credit. For credit to be granted, the examination score must be at least 50 or higher regardless of the ACE recommendation. Credit will be as follows:

Exam = Georgia State Course Credit

  • American Government = POLS 1101  
  • American Literature (w/essay) = ENGL 2130  
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (w/essay) = Engl 2099
  • General Biology = BIOL 1103K  
  • Calculus = MATH 2211  
  • General Chemistry = Chem 1099 (elective credit only)
  • College Algebra = MATH 1111  
  • College Composition with Essay = ENGL 1101  
  • College Mathematics = MATH 1001  
  • English Literature (w/ essay) = ENGL 2120  
  • College French-levels 1 & 2 = FREN 2001 , FREN 2002  (see below for additional information)
  • College German-levels 1 & 2 = GRMN 2001 , GRMN 2002  (see below for additional information)
  • History of the United States I and History of the United States II 1865-present = HIST 2110  
  • Introductory Psychology = PSYC 1101  
  • Introductory Sociology = SOCI 1101  
  • Natural Sciences = GNCR 1099 (elective credit only)
  • Precalculus = MATH 1113  
  • Principles of Macroeconomics = ECON 2105  
  • Principles of Microeconomics = ECON 2106  
  • Social Sciences & History = GNCR 1099 (elective credit only)
  • College Spanish-levels 1 & 2 = SPAN 2001 , SPAN 2002  (see below for additional information)
  • Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 = Hist 1099 (elective credit only)
  • Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present = Hist 1099 (elective credit only)

Additional CLEP Information:

  • The essay portion of all English exams is required in addition to the objective. Essay exams are reviewed by three readers, and the student must receive a grade of “Pass” from at least two readers.
  • Foreign language credit awards are as follows:
    1. Spanish scores of 50-53 earn 3 semester hours of credit for SPAN 2001 ; Spanish scores of 54 and higher earn a total of 6 semester hours of credit for SPAN 2001  and SPAN 2002 .
    2. German scores of 50-62 earn 3 semester hours of credit for GRMN 2001 ; German scores of 63 and higher earn a total of 6 semester hours of credit for GRMN 2001  and GRMN 2002 .
    3. French scores of 50-51 earn 3 semester hours of credit for FREN 2001 ; French scores of 52 and higher earn a total of 6 semester hours of credit for FREN 2001  and FREN 2002 .
  • If a student scores 50 or higher for American History I AND American History II, three semester hours will be granted for HIST 2110 .
  • Exams may be scheduled by contacting Georgia State University’s Testing Center counselingcenter.gsu.edu/testing/.

1320.70 International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations

Georgia State University awards credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations, with the exception of English as a Second Language, provided that the academic departments judge the examinations to be comparable to courses at Georgia State. International Baccalaureate students will be granted college course credit for Standard Level courses with assessment scores of 5, 6, or 7 and Higher-Level courses with assessment scores of 4, 5, 6, or 7. Official International Baccalaureate transcripts should be mailed directly from International Baccalaureate to the Georgia State University Office of Undergraduate Admissions for review.

The following is the list of credit for IB exams:

SL = Standard Level
HL = Higher Level







Computer Science:



Environmental Systems & Societies: 




Global Politics:

History- America:

History- Europe:

Mathematics- Analysis & Approaches:


Mathematics- Applications & Interpretatic:

Mathematics- Prior to 2021:






Credit for other languages will be granted following the pattern set in the languages above.

1320.80 Credit for End of High School Examinations from Countries Other than the United States

Georgia State will consider awarding college credit for subject examinations taken at the end of the high school in countries other than the U.S. To be eligible for consideration, the examinations must be given nationally and must report scores by subject (not merely a total score). Students who wish for the University to consider awarding college for subject examinations taken at the end of the high school in countries should contact the Office of Admissions for more information.

1320.90 Credit for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

At Georgia State University, the granting of credit for MOOCs taken at other institutions is governed by the rules for transfer credit and credit by examination. If a MOOC was taken and transcripted at an accredited institution of higher education, decisions about credit for the MOOC are made according to the rules for transfer credit. (See Transfer Credit Policy.) In some cases, credit for MOOCs may be earned according to the rules for credit by examination. (See Credit by Examination.)