Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

8000 School of Public Health

Go to School of Public Health Departments and Programs 

Graduate programs in the School of Public Health are described in detail in this chapter. See subsections for specific program information as well as policies and procedures. Information about the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in public health is available in the School of Public Health section of the undergraduate catalog. Interested students should visit the School of Public Health website at publichealth.gsu.edu for updates on our degree offerings.

About the School of Public Health

The School of Public Health (SPH) is a multi-disciplinary, research-based unit, drawing upon partnerships with community members and organizations, dedicated to the mission of providing the high quality and relevant teaching, research, and service needed to evolve public health practice in a changing world. By investigating the contemporary problems that challenge diverse urban communities, the SPH is preparing the next generation of public health professionals to make a difference through leadership, scholarship, and practice in Georgia communities and around the globe. The School of Public Health achieves this mission by applying existing scholarship within Georgia State University to priority public health problems, particularly those that are aimed at reducing health disparities in urban settings. Training and research programs focus on both building the science base that underlies public health practice, as well as applying effective interventions that have been demonstrated to improve the public health. Academic and training efforts emphasize the basic prevention sciences (e.g., emerging infectious diseases, immunology, virology, bioinformatics, genomics, and geographic sciences), as well as applied public health efforts (e.g., chronic disease prevention, health promotion, environmental health, program evaluation, health policy, public health ethics and law, health communications, community-based participatory research, and global health).

School of Public Health Main Office
400 Urban Life Building

Rodney Lyn, Dean
Katherine Masyn, Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs
Daniel J. Whitaker, Associate Dean for Research
Carlos Pavao, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Matthew Hayat, Chair of the Department of Population Health Sciences
Shannon Self-Brown, Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Behavioral Sciences
Amanda Gilmore and Christine Stauber, Directors of the Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Program (PhD)
Harry Heiman, Director of the Doctor of Public Health Program (DrPH)
Roby Greenwald and Ashli Owen-Smith, Directors of the Master of Public Program (MPH)
Elizabeth Armstrong-Mensah and Adrienne King, Directors of the Undergraduate Program (BSPH)

Department of Health Policy and Behavioral Sciences
Shannon Self-Brown, Department Chair
Theresa Malihi, Department Coordinator

Core Faculty: Collins Airhihenbuwa, Jalayne Arias, Elizabeth Armstrong-Mensah, Kathleen Baggett, Jacques-Corey Cormier, Michael Eriksen, Xiangming Fang, Kimberley Freire, Amanda Gilmore, Harry Heiman, Jidong Huang, Ruschelle Leone, Rodney Lyn, Sarah McCool, Ashli Owen-Smith, Carlos Pavao, Terry Pechacek, Lucy Popova, Dennis Reidy, Laura Salazar, Gina Sample, Anne Marie Schipani-McLaughlin, Shannon Self- Brown, Colin Smith, Susan Snyder, Claire Spears, Sheryl Strasser, Erin Vinoski Thomas, Daniel Whitaker

Department of Population Health Sciences
Matthew Hayat, Department Chair
Christine Stauber, Associate Chair
Mimi Blacker, Department Coordinator

Core Faculty: April Ballard, Brian Barger, Lisa Casanova, Gerardo Chowell-Puente, Zongshuan Duan, Roby Greenwald, Matt Hayat, Adrienne King, Alexander Kirpich, Ruiyan Luo, Natasha Malmin, Kevin Maloney, Katherine Masyn, Karen Nielsen, Ike Okosun, Susie Ramisetty-Mikler, Lia Scott, Christine Stauber, Scott Weaver, Barbara Yankey, Ya-Hui Yu

8000.10 Accreditation

The Georgia State University School of Public Health has held continuous accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) since 2016 and is accredited through December 31, 2028. The most recent CEPH reaccreditation self-study and Council’s accreditation report may be found here: https://publichealth.gsu.edu/about/accreditation/

CEPH is an independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit schools of public health and public health programs outside schools of public health.

8000.20 Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

Mission. The School of Public Health provides the high quality and relevant teaching, research and service needed to evolve public health practice in a changing world. By investigating the contemporary problems that challenge diverse urban communities, the School is preparing the next generation of public health professionals to make a difference through leadership, scholarship and practice in Georgia communities and around the globe. The School’s mission is strengthened by the objective of the University System of Georgia, through its Strategic Plan for Public Health Education, Research and Service, “to ensure that the System becomes one of the national leaders in public health education, research and service.”

Vision. The School’s vision is to be a leading public health research institution dedicated to understanding and solving contemporary health problems. The School will be the destination of choice for students seeking an affordable and meaningful public health education.

Values. Seven values were determined in a School-wide review process. All values were developed with input from the administration, faculty, staff and students and are reaffirmed or revised during each subsequent review process. The values are succinct and specific in nature and are reflected in faculty, staff and students’ instruction, service and learning activities. The values are:

  1. Integrity, accountability, and transparency in our operations
  2. Scholarship and inquiry
  3. Respect for all aspects of diversity
  4. Health as a human right
  5. Prioritizing health in all policy decisions
  6. Sustainable healthy environments
  7. Student Success

Goals. The goals of the School of Public Health are to:


  1. Exceed $20 million annually in sponsor-funded research.
  2. Establish a new Center to promote interdisciplinary research and training around non-communicable diseases (NCD) and other contemporary global health problems.
  3. Receive University-wide recognition for our ability to contribute to excellence in interdisciplinary research methodologies.
  4. All junior tenure track faculty to obtain sponsored funding within their first three academic years of service; lead the University in career development awards.
  5. Double the number of our peer-reviewed publications.


  1. Attract and retain a diverse student body, staff, and faculty.
  2. Successfully graduate 70% of our bachelor’s students within six years, 80% of our MPH students within four years, and 60% of our doctoral students within seven years.
  3. Double the number of our online and hybrid course offerings.
  4. Increase external support for graduate students by emphasizing training grants, student fellowships and graduate student support through our faculty’s grant-seeking activities.
  5. Develop and offer a professional doctoral program (DrPH) and targeted executive education offerings for public health workers hoping to increase their knowledge and skills.


  1. Promote and expand the involvement of faculty and staff in university, community-based and professional education projects so that service activities will be greater than 3 times the number of faculty.
  2. Better recognize those who contribute to public health practice and education communities through service.
  3. Offer at least 2 continuing education activities for the workforce each year, aligned with needs identified in our communities’ workforce.

8000.30 Degrees and Certificates Offered

The School of Public Health offers the following graduate programs:

  • Graduate Certificate in Public Health
  • Maternal and Child Health Graduate Certificate
  • Master of Public Health
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
  • Doctor of Public Health

8000.40 Research Centers, Collectives, and Initiatives

The Mark Chaffin Center for Healthy Development
140 Decatur Street, 1st Floor

The Mark Chaffin Center for Healthy Development (CHD) was established in August 2008 to house the National SafeCare® Training and Research Center (NSTRC) and the Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD), a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).  In 2011 CHD welcomed Prevent Child Abuse Georgia, a state chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America, which will provide a statewide direction to promote healthy children and develop strong families through community resources, public awareness, prevention programs, research, and advocacy activities. The center was designated a university-level research center in 2015, and its name honors and memorializes Dr. Mark Chaffin (1952 - 2015), a pre-eminent scholar in child maltreatment, parenting, implementation science and services for disadvantaged people and populations with disabilities.

The NSTRC is funded by a number of private and public service and research grants and contracts.  It was created in 2007 with a center grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.  The CLD is primarily funded by a center grant from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) of the Administration on Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS).  PCA Georgia is funded by a grant from the Governor’s Office for Children and Families, the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, and other sources. The general mission of the CHD is to promote the health, safety, well-being, and quality of life of children, adults, and families with and without disabilities through research, service, advocacy, and to prevent child maltreatment.

Biostatistics Research Collaborative
400 Urban Life Building

The collaborative generates collaborations between Georgia State investigators for high-quality health-related research. Biostatistics Research Collaborative (BRC) team members collaborate with investigators on grant development, study design, statistical analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation.

Center for Research on Interpersonal Violence
1104 Urban Life Building

In the third year of its Next Generation Program, Georgia State University identified interpersonal violence as an interdisciplinary area in which it seeks to become an internationally recognized resource and authority. As a result of this Interpersonal Violence Initiative, the Center for Research on Interpersonal Violence was established, and the Center aims to (1) understand the causes and consequences of interpersonal violence, (2) emphasize the development, refinement, and evaluation of interventions to reduce or prevent the perpetration of interpersonal violence and address the impact of victimization, and (3) inform public policy. Researchers in the center come from multiple disciplines at Georgia State: Psychology, Criminal Justice, Public Health, Sociology, Social Work, and Neuroscience.”

Center for Resilient Youth
1112 Urban Life Building

The Resilient Youth (ResY) was funded by the Next Generation Program and is an initiative that seeks to build interdisciplinary scholarship that uses the concept of resilience as a framework for addressing health disparities among urban youth. ResY builds on existing strengths among current senior and supporting GSU faculty in Psychology, Public Health, and Sociology that have established, externally funded, and nationally/internationally recognized research programs. The initiative will attract new faculty and seed a new postdoctoral fellowship program that will collaborate with current faculty to build an internationally recognized Center of Excellence focused on scholarship focused specifically on urban drivers among youth in Atlanta and other major urban centers in the U.S. and across the globe.

8000.50 Academic Resources and Services

Office of Academic Assistance

140 Decatur Street, Suite 300


Denise Gouveia, Director
Denisa Reed, Associate Director
Jonathan Key, Graduate Advisor
Kelsey Francis, Graduate Advisor
Mayana Silas, Undergraduate Advisor
Marquetta Slaughter, Administrative Coordinator

The Office of Academic Assistance (OAA) provides the SPH current and prospective students with comprehensive student support services to promote academic and career success.

Advising and Academic Assistance


For students in the Master of Public Health (MPH) program, academic advisement is provided using a two -pronged approach. The Graduate Advisor in OAA provides guidance on administrative matters such as program of study advisement, degree petition process, thesis/capstone registration, graduation, and referral to other student support services on campus. The School of Public Health faculty serve as faculty mentors, and students are encouraged to talk to their mentors about how to select a concentration, determining which course electives make sense for future career goals, exploring research interests and opportunities, developing professional networks, and serving on thesis or capstone committees. MPH, Graduate Certificate in Public Health (GCPH), and Maternal and Child Health Graduate Certificate (MCHGC) students are not assigned a faculty advisor but are instead encouraged to develop multiple mentoring relationships with SPH faculty.

Doctoral students are assigned (PhD), or supported in selecting (DrPH), a Faculty Advisor and build a Doctoral Advisory Committee; however, they are also encouraged to develop multiple mentoring relationships with other SPH faculty, their doctoral program director, and even the Graduate Advisor as they navigate doctoral program administrative matters.

Applied Practice Experience and Career Services (APECS)

140 Decatur Street, 2ndFloor


Sheryl Strasser, Faculty Director of Experiential Learning & Workforce Development
Evalye Alexander, 
Career and Employer Relations Specialist
Collen Byrd, Applied Practice Experience Coordinator


The School of Public Health provides public health specific career support and leadership development services to all current SPH graduate students and alumni.  Students are invited to attend our career events and workshops as well as meet with our SPH Practice Coordinator and SPH Career and Employer Relations Specialist to discuss individual career questions.  Career Services can help students with resume writing, interviewing, job searching, internship development, and networking.

Biostatistics Student Lab

Location: Room 645, Urban Life Building, 140 Decatur Street

The purpose of the Biostatistics Computer Lab is to provide Georgia State University SPH students with computer access and statistical software needed for class and research activities. All computers are equipped with standard statistical software, including SAS, STATA, SPSS and Mplus, as well as Microsoft Office tools and internet access. The computer lab is supervised by a Graduate Assistant (GA), and is generally open Monday thru Friday, 9am-5pm. The GA is available to assist students with questions related to PHPH 7017  Fundamentals of Biostatistics I, PHPH 7027  Fundamentals of Biostatistics II, and PHPH 7525 Statistical Computing, as well as basic computer assistance and questions related to the use of SAS. publichealth.gsu.edu/academics-student-life/graduate-biostatistics-computer-lab/

8000.60 Student Organizations

The OAA also supports all SPH student clubs and organizations - students are encouraged to read about the various groups within the college, and join one while being enrolled in the SPH: publichealth.gsu.edu/academics-student-life/.

Public Health Student Association (PHSA)

The Public Health Student Association (PHSA) is the student organization of the School of Public Health at Georgia State University. PHSA seeks to develop well-rounded public health professionals and promote meaningful interactions between students, faculty and staff, and public health professionals. Throughout the school year, PHSA organizes social events, professional development opportunities, and public service events for students, faculty, and staff. For more information: publichealth.gsu.edu/students/student-association-phisa/.

8000.70 Study Abroad

SPH Study Abroad Website: publichealth.gsu.edu/academic/study-abroad/

Contact: SPHstudyabroad@gsu.edu

Study abroad is one of the ways the School provides a learning environment that prepares students with broad skills regarding diversity and cultural competence. Opportunities to earn graduate degree and certificate applicable credits abroad are available in most years, and opportunities increase as student interest increases. Previously planned study abroad opportunity cities include: Brazil; Uganda; Ghana; United Kingdom; Dominican Republic; and China. Students should check the above-linked study abroad website for future opportunities.

8010 Graduate Admissions

The School of Public Health accepts students into the Master of Public Health (MPH) and Graduate Certificate in Public Health (GCPH) programs for both the fall and spring semesters. The doctoral programs in Public Health only accepts students in the Fall semester.  The application deadlines are as follows:

DrPH December 1 N/A N/A
Ph.D. December 1 N/A N/A
MPH February 15 (Priority) October 1 N/A
  March 15 (Final)    
Graduate Certificate March 15 October 1 N/A

8010.10 Master of Public Health (MPH) Application Requirements

For complete application materials instructions, visit the following School of Public Health website: publichealth.gsu.edu/academic/apply/.

The following materials are required for admission to the MPH program. All application materials are submitted through SOPHAS (portal.sophas.org/):

  1. SOPHAS application - $145 fee (sophas.org) This fee is nonrefundable.
  2. A resume or curriculum vitae - uploaded to SOPHAS application.
  3. One official transcript from each college and/or university attended (including Georgia State University). Transcripts are required regardless of length of stay or if the grades are listed on another school’s transcript. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent at the time of enrollment from a regionally accredited institution. All transcripts are sent directly to SOPHAS.
  4. Note: Any applicant who has completed all or part of their education outside the United States is required to have foreign credentials evaluated by World Education Services (WES).  Study abroad credit is exempt from evaluation. WES is the only evaluation service accepted by SOPHAS.
  5. Three references from individuals knowledgeable of the applicant’s academic, professional and intellectual abilities. References are processed via SOPHAS application.
  6. A statement of purpose and objectives - upload to SOPHAS application.
  7. Official scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or via the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), for applicants whose native language is not English. Please note that TOEFL and IELTS scores over two years old cannot be accepted. The TOEFL and IELTS may not be required of international applicants who have received a degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. See section 8010.40 for more information.
  8. Verification of Lawful Presence may be required if accepted - see sections 1110 and 1120 for more information.
  9. A Certificate of Immunization (after acceptance)
  10. Bachelor of Science in Public Health graduates who, via the BSPH/MPH 4+1 program, have completed at least 9(nine) credit hours of approved MPH-level coursework, have earned a B or better in each approved MPH-level course on the first attempt, and have an overall graduate GPA of 3.0 or better, have guaranteed admission into the MPH program. Students in this category do not need to formally apply through SOPHAS and should contact the Office of Academic Assistance for guidance on submitting a request to transition to graduate degree-seeking status through GSU’s Graduate Admissions portal.

Applications are reviewed holistically, and all materials will be considered before an admissions decision is made. There is no minimum GPA required for admission to the MPH, although applicants with at least a 2.75 GPA are preferred. Applicants whose materials do not meet standards for full admission to the MPH program may be offered provisional acceptance. Provisionally-accepted students are limited to 10 hours of MPH-level coursework, and courses must be designated MPH core. Students who originally applied to a concentration in Population Health Sciences (Biostatistics, Environmental Epidemiology, Environmental Health, or Epidemiology) must complete PHPH 7010 - Foundations of Public Health; either PHPH 7011 - Epidemiology for Public Health or PHPH 7017 - Fundamentals of Biostatistics I, and a third MPH core course of their choice.

Upon completion of three MPH core courses, provisionally-accepted students who have earned a B or better in each course on the first attempt, and maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, will be fully admitted into the MPH program. The three MPH core courses must be completed within three semesters, or one calendar year, of the start of provisional acceptance status. Those who do not meet the above criteria will be withdrawn from the program. 

8010.20 Graduate Certificate in Public Health (GCPH) and Maternal and Child Health Graduate Certificate (MCHGC) Application Requirements

For complete GCPH and MCHGC application materials instructions, visit the following School of Public Health website: publichealth.gsu.edu/academic/apply/

The following materials are required for admission to the GCPH and MCHGC.  All application materials are submitted through SLATE:

  1. Application for Graduate Programs, submitted through gradapply.gsu.edu/apply/
  2. A $50.00 application fee. This fee is nonrefundable.
  3. A resume or curriculum vitae
  4. One official transcript from each college and/or university attended, except from Georgia State University. Transcripts are required regardless of length of stay or if the grades are listed on another school’s transcript. You will collect and submit all unopened official transcripts.  Transcripts can be submitted directly to Georgia State University electronically, by express delivery service, or by U.S. postal mail. If you are enrolled in another graduate program at Georgia State University, you may complete a Request for Transfer of Records in your current colleges graduate admissions office. If you attended Georgia State University as an undergraduate, we will be able to pull your records, so your undergraduate transcripts from Georgia State University do not need to be sent.
  5. Three references from individuals knowledgeable of the applicant’s academic, professional and intellectual abilities.
  6. A statement of interest and professional intent.
  7. Official scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or via the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), for applicants whose native language is not English. Please note that TOEFL and IELTS scores over two years old cannot be accepted. The TOEFL and IELTS may not be required of international applicants who have received a degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. See section 8010.40 for more information.
  8. Verification of Lawful Presence may be required if accepted - see sections 1110 and 1120 for more information.
  9. A Certificate of Immunization (after acceptance).

Completed application materials must be sent to the address below by the deadline date:

Electronic Transcripts
Electronic transcripts must be submitted directly from the institution, either by email or through the use of a transcript ordering site:
Email: gradapplytranscripts@gsu.edu
Order Site Institution Name: Georgia State University - Graduate Programs

Mailing Address (U.S. Postal Service)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4018
Atlanta, GA 30302

Delivery Address (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University - Sparks Hall 200
33 Gilmer Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

8010.30 Doctoral Programs in Public Health Application Requirements

For complete DrPH and/or Ph.D. application materials instructions, visit the following School of Public Health website: publichealth.gsu.edu/academic/apply/

The following materials are required for admission to the DrPH and/or Ph.D. program. All application materials are submitted through SOPHAS (portal.sophas.org):

  1. SOHAS application - $145 fee (sophas.org) This fee is nonrefundable.
  2. A resume or curriculum vitae
  3. One official transcript from each college and/or university attended (including Georgia State University). Transcripts are required regardless of length of stay or if the grades are listed on another school’s transcript. Applicants must have a master’s degree or its equivalent at the time of enrollment from a regionally accredited institution. All transcripts are sent directly to SOPHAS. Note: Any applicant who has completed all or part of their education outside the United States is required to have foreign credentials evaluated by World Education Services (WES).  Study abroad credit is exempt from evaluation. WES is the only evaluation service accepted by SOPHAS.
  4. Three references from individuals knowledgeable of the applicant’s academic, professional and intellectual abilities. References are processed via SOPHAS application.
  5. A statement of purpose and objectives - upload to SOPHAS application.
  6.  Official scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or via the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), for applicants whose native language is not English. Please note that TOEFL and IELTS scores over two years old cannot be accepted. The TOEFL and IELTS may not be required of international applicants who have received a degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. See section 8010.40 for more information.
  7. Verification of Lawful Presence may be required if accepted - see sections 1110 and 1120 for more information.
  8. DrPH applicants only: Applicants invited to the DrPH admissions interview must provide documentation of successful completion of a minimum of three years of verifiable, applied public health professional experience. Five years of experience is preferred. 
  9. A Certificate of Immunization (after acceptance)

8010.40 International Student Admission

It is the policy of Georgia State University to encourage the enrollment of students from other countries. The University subscribes to the principles of international education and to the basic concept that only through education and understanding can mutual respect, appreciation and tolerance of others be accomplished. The recognition of the values of cultural exchange is inherent in our philosophy of education and is predicated on an awareness of the need to foster better cooperation, friendship, and understanding among the peoples of the world. In this regard, we welcome international students to our campus because we believe in a cultural exchange program which will be beneficial to our own student body, to the international students involved, and to metropolitan Atlanta.

  • Academic Credentials: An applicant who has completed all or part of his/her education outside the United States is required to have his/her foreign credentials evaluated by World Education Services (http://www.wes.org/sophas/). WES is the only evaluation service accepted by SOPHAS. Foreign credential evaluation: (course by course, GPA calculations, and include copies of documents evaluated).
  • English Proficiency: Applicants whose native language is not English must submit scores, not more than two years old, on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Official scores must be reported from the Educational Testing Service to SOPHAS prior to the application deadline. The TOEFL is not required of international applicants who have received a degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. TOEFL information can be found at toefl.org. IELTS information can be found at ielts.org. Note: Applicants to all SPH degree and certificate programs may petition the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs to waive TOEFL and/or IELTS after achieving a USG Intensive English Program certificate (iep.gsu.edu); however, petitions are considered individually and the Chair and/or committee members may still require the TOEFL and/or IELTS from IEP certificate completers. Therefore, Petitions should be submitted well in advance of application deadlines so that if their petition is denied, applicants will still have ample time to submit TOEFL and/or IELTS scores prior to application deadlines. A denied Petition-and subsequent requirement to complete the TOEFL and/or IELTS-does not waive or extend the application deadline; the TOEFL and/or IELTS scores must be submitted by the application deadline.
  • Financial Resources: Applicants who have been accepted and plan to attend Georgia State University on an F-1 or J-1 visa must submit a Financial Statement showing the financial support necessary for the cost associated with the first year of study. This verification does not need to be submitted with your application but will be required by International Student and Scholar Services before you can enroll if you are accepted.
  • Course Load: An international student with a student visa is required to carry a full course of study in the fall and spring semesters. A full course of study for graduate students at Georgia State University is 9 semester hours in the fall and spring semesters and 6 semester hours in the summer semester. International students cannot be admitted as non-degree students.

For additional information pertaining to international applicants and students at Georgia State University, please refer to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services on the Georgia State University website at isss.gsu.edu.

8010.50 Transient Student Admission

A student enrolled in a graduate degree program at another accredited institution may seek admission as a transient (or visiting) student in the School of Public Health.

Program Fall Spring Summer
Transient/Visiting Student July 15 December 1 May 1

The Office of Academic Assistance uses a self-managed application for admission to its graduate programs. It is the applicant’s responsibility to prepare or collect all credentials and submit them on time.

The following items should be e-submitted to gradapply.gsu.edu/apply:

  1. Transient/Visiting students can apply online via gradapply.gsu.edu/apply.
  2. $50.00 Application Fee: e-submit and pay application fee online. This fee is nonrefundable.
  3. Transient Letter. This letter, from your home institution, must state that you are in good academic standing and that you have permission to attend Georgia State University. It should also contain a listing of the courses you plan to take. This letter should be a in a sealed, official envelope from the home institution and mailed to or delivered in person to one of the addresses below.
  4. Your offer of admission is contingent upon completing or opting-out of the verification of lawful presence process- see sections 1110 and 1120 for more information.
  5. Certificate of Immunization: this form is required for accepted applicants who have never attended Georgia State University. If admitted, you must submit this form to Georgia State University Health Services (address on form) prior to registration.

You can collect and submit all unopened official transient letters. Transient letters can be submitted directly to Georgia State University via express delivery service or U.S. postal mail.

Mailing Address (U.S. Postal Service)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4018
Atlanta, GA 30302

In-Person and Express Delivery Address (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University - Sparks Hall 200
33 Gilmer Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

Admission to transient status is normally for one semester only. A transient student who wishes to enroll for a subsequent semester at Georgia State must file an Application for Re-entry with the Office of Academic Assistance in the School of Public Health. Students must be in good academic standing at Georgia State University in order to continue as transient students at the University. Transient students who are not in good academic standing will not be allowed to continue taking courses as transient students per the University’s re-entry definition. If the student wishes to enroll in courses other than those listed in the original letter of good standing, the home institution must submit a new letter indicating approval of those courses. Application deadlines are sometimes extended provided there is space available.  Contact OAA at 404-413-1452 or publichealthadvising@gsu.edu for additional information.

Although the university cannot guarantee the availability of space in desired courses, every effort will be made to assist students in the registration process. The student is responsible for requesting that transcripts of grades earned at Georgia State are sent to the home institution. Transient students who do not remain in good academic standing at Georgia State University may not be allowed to continue taking courses in the School of Public Health.

Students who wish to change from transient-status enrollment to graduate degree seeking status must file an application for the graduate program desired and provide all supporting documents by the appropriate deadline for the semester for which admission is sought. Further information on application procedures for admission to degree programs in the School of Public Health may be obtained from the Office of Academic Assistance: publichealth.gsu.edu/academic/apply/.

Up to nine (9) transient-status credit hours may apply to School of Public Health graduate degree or certificate programs. However, all credits, including transient-status-earned credits, presented for the Master’s degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of Master’s degree conferral, and all credits presented for the DrPH or Ph.D. degrees must have been earned within nine calendar years of the date of DrPH or Ph.D. degree conferral. Grades from all attempts at all Georgia State University courses that are taken at the graduate level will become part of the student’s GPA.

8010.60 Non-Degree Student Admission

The School of Public Health accepts non-degree students based on course availability. Non-degree students are admitted for a maximum of nine credit hours.

Applicants applying for non-degree status should hold a graduate degree or have been accepted into a graduate program but are no longer actively enrolled. If you are actively enrolled in another graduate program, please apply as a transient/visiting student. Contact the Office of Academic Assistance (OAA) at 404-413-1452 or publichealthadvising@gsu.edu for approval to submit a non-degree application. Application deadlines are sometimes extended provided there is space available. The application deadlines are as follows:

Program Fall Spring Summer
Non-degree July 15 December 1 May 1

The following items should be e-submitted to gradapply.gsu.edu/apply:

  • Non-Degree students can apply online via gradapply.gsu.edu/apply.
  • $50.00 Application Fee: e-submit and pay application fee online. This fee is nonrefundable.
  • One official transcript from each college and/or university attended (including Georgia State University, if you attended Georgia State University while earning a different degree). Transcripts are required from all previously attended institutions regardless of length of stay or if the grades are listed on another school’s transcript. (See mailing/delivery address below or send electronically.)
  • Statement of Intent, where you describe your goals and why completing coursework in the School of Public Health will help you attain those goals. Please limit your statement to two typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Your offer of admission is contingent upon completing or opting-out of the verification of lawful presence process- see sections 1110 and 1120 for more information.
  • Certificate of Immunization: this form is required for accepted applicants who have never attended Georgia State University. If admitted, you must submit this form to Georgia State University Health Services (address on form) prior to registration.

You can collect and submit all unopened official transcripts. Transcripts can be submitted directly to Georgia State University electronically, by express delivery service, or U.S. postal mail.

Electronic Transcripts
Electronic transcripts must be submitted directly from the institution, either by email or through the use of a transcript ordering site:
Email: gradapplytranscripts@gsu.edu
Order Site Institution Name: Georgia State University - Graduate Programs

Mailing Address (U.S. Postal Service)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4018
Atlanta, GA 30302

In-Person and Express Delivery Address (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University - Sparks Hall 200
33 Gilmer Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

Students who wish to change from non-degree enrollment to graduate degree seeking status must file an application for the graduate program desired and all supporting documents by the appropriate deadline for the semester for which admission is sought. Further information on application procedures for admission to degree programs in the School of Public Health may be obtained from the Office of Academic Assistance: publichealth.gsu.edu/academic/apply/.

A student may apply a maximum of nine (9) semester hours of applicable Georgia State University course credit earned prior to MPH program admission (while taking public health courses as either transient, non-degree, or other-Georgia State University-degree status) toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements. Courses that satisfy the MPH core courses must be completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better, and courses that satisfy a concentration required or elective course must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better.  Credits are processed by the School - petition is not required, but students should confirm their previously completed courses are applicable. Students may work with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance to confirm applicability.  Approval of applicable courses is at the discretion of the Department Chair of the student’s home department and concentration - it is not guaranteed. All Georgia State University credits presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral.

8010.70 Re-entry Students

A re-entry student is a student who has been enrolled at Georgia State University and who:

Has not maintained an enrollment totaling 6 hours (or more) of degree applicable courses over three consecutive semesters (including summer) until degree completion; or

Attended any semester as a transient student and wishes to attend an additional semester as a transient student.

Re-entry is approved by application and is not guaranteed. The application deadlines are as follows:

Program Fall Spring Summer
Re-entry July 15 December 1 May 1

Graduate students previously enrolled in the School of Public Health may only re-enter the same graduate program or status in which they were last enrolled and they may be required to satisfy the degree requirements of the graduate catalog in effect at the time of re-entry - the Office of Academic Assistance will notify the student of their requirements and update their program of study. Students will be required to change to the graduate catalog in effect at the time of re-entry when they re-enter the university after a period of two or more consecutive years in which they have earned no academic credit at Georgia State University. Students must be approved for reentry through the School - re-entry is not guaranteed, even for students previously enrolled in School of Public Health graduate programs.

The following items should be e-submitted to gradapply.gsu.edu/apply:

  • Non-Degree students can apply online via gradapply.gsu.edu/apply.
  • $25.00 Application Fee: e-submit and pay application fee online. This fee is nonrefundable.
  • Your offer of admission is contingent upon completing or opting-out of the verification of lawful presence process- see sections 1110 and 1120 for more information.
  • If applicable, submit an official transcript from each college and/or university attended (since you last attended Georgia State University).

You can collect and submit all unopened official transcripts. Transcripts can be submitted directly to Georgia State University electronically, by express delivery service, or by U.S. postal mail.

Electronic Transcripts
Electronic transcripts must be submitted directly from the institution, either by email or through the use of a transcript ordering site:
Email: gradapplytranscripts@gsu.edu
Order Site Institution Name: Georgia State University - Graduate Programs

In-Person and Express Delivery Address (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University - Sparks Hall 200
33 Gilmer Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

U.S. Postal Service
Office of Graduate Admissions
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4018
Atlanta, GA 30302

8010.80 Tuition Deposit for MPH Program

The School of Public Health may require newly accepted applicants into their Master of Public Health program to submit a portion of their first semester’s tuition at the time of acceptance. The advanced tuition, which is nonrefundable, guarantees the student’s place in the class.

8020 Graduate Enrollment

Graduate degree and certificate students in the School of Public Health are responsible for knowledge of all regulations and procedures of the program and the university. Enrollment in a program constitutes a student’s acknowledgment that they are obligated to comply with all academic and administrative regulations and degree requirements. Students are encouraged to read carefully regulations related to the public health program.

Summary of Georgia State University Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research Training:

Georgia State University is committed to promoting research ethics within the University community and modeling integrity across all disciplines and areas of empirical research. As research has become more complex, collaborative, and costly, issues of research ethics similarly have become complex, extensive and important. The federally mandated training of all levels of research students at Georgia State University in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) must prepare them to face these issues in their professional lives. The Scholarship and Research Integrity (SARI) program at Georgia State University, developed in response to the America Competes Act requirements, is designed to offer students enrolled in undergraduate research, research graduate degree programs, and post-doctoral research programs comprehensive training in the RCR in a manner that is tailored to address the issues faced by students in their respective programs. As part of the commitment and policy, graduate research students and post-doctoral research fellows will be required to complete an online RCR training program provided by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and will also be required to engage in at least 5 hours of additional discussion-based RCR education.


The Georgia State University SPH has devised a RCR education program plan to be in compliance with Georgia State University’s RCR policy and to ensure SPH students graduating from our MPH and Ph.D. programs complete the required CITI RCR training program and receive the additional 5 hours of RCR education. In the MPH program, all students enrolled in PHPH 7011 - Epidemiology for Public Health (MPH required course) will be required to complete the CITI RCR training and will receive 5 additional hours as part of in-class discussions during the PHPH 7011 course. In the Ph.D. program, all students enrolled in PHPB 9140 - Advanced Research Methods  (a Ph.D. required course) will be required to complete the CITI RCR training and will receive 5 additional hours as part of in-class discussions during the PHPB 9140  course. Doctoral level students enrolled in PHPB 9150 - Public Health Ethics  or PHPB 9350 - Ethical Considerations in Public Health Practice will also receive additional 1-5 hours of in-class discussion.

8020.10 Time Limit for Completion of Degree/Graduate Certificates

Before deciding to enroll in a graduate program of this school, students must examine seriously and realistically their abilities to adjust their personal and professional schedules to accommodate the challenge of graduate study. The maximum time limits set by the faculty for completing a graduate degree program are: six years from the first semester of admission for the master’s programs; three years from the first semester of admission for the graduate certificate programs and nine years from the first semester of admission for the doctoral programs. Students or applicants with questions about the commitment needed to complete the graduate programs should schedule an appointment with the school’s Office of Academic Assistance.

8020.20 Catalog Editions

Normally, students will be permitted to graduate under the provisions of the graduate catalog in effect at the time of first enrollment. Students may choose to graduate under the provisions of a subsequent graduate catalog; that is, they may choose to change their “catalog edition.” Students who choose to do this must meet all provisions of the subsequent graduate catalog.

Students are required to change to the current catalog edition when they change programs/statuses or after certain absences from the program, as explained below in section 8020.30. The School reserves the right to require students who wish to change their program of study concentration to update to the most recent catalog edition of their newly selected concentration.

8020.30 Continuous Enrollment Requirement and Requests to Reenter

Students in all graduate degree and graduate certificate programs must maintain an enrollment totaling six (6) hours or more of degree applicable courses over any consecutive three (3) semester period (including summers) until degree completion. In other words, the total enrollment of the current term plus the two terms preceding it must add to six (6) hours or more at all times. The status of all students will be checked by the midpoint of each term for compliance with the Continuous Enrollment Requirement. Any student whose enrollment is out of compliance will receive a continuous enrollment registration hold preventing all current and future registration. Those students will be notified by an email message sent to their official Georgia State University email account. To resume their programs of study, students with continuous enrollment registration holds must apply for re-entry admission by the published deadline (see section 8010.70), must be granted re-entry admission, and must enroll at a credit hour level sufficient to satisfy the continuous enrollment requirement. For more information on the re-entry process, see section 8010.70 or contact the Office of Academic Assistance (OAA).

Students who do not attend the semester for which re-entry was originally required must complete a new re-entry form for subsequent semesters.

All students who wish to reenter one of the graduate level programs or non-degree status after an absence of one year must meet the degree requirements and academic regulations of the graduate catalog current upon return, along with other reentry provisions that may be in effect.

All students who are approved for re-entry will be eligible to retain all Georgia State course credit (and already approved transfer credit, if any) earned previously if their program can be completed within the time limit that was applicable to their program before the absence. The cumulative graduate GPA calculations will include all attempts in all courses at Georgia State University. Time limits would apply.

Students who plan not to register for a particular semester but who intend to continue the program at some later semester should discuss such plans with the Graduate Advisor in order to facilitate reentry at a subsequent time. Failure to comply with this request may complicate reentry in the semester preferred. An absence from the program, whether planned or unplanned, does not exempt students from the requirement to complete the program within the appropriate time limit.

8020.35 Enrollment in Approved Courses

Students must enroll for courses that are part of the approved curriculum for the program to which they have been accepted. Students who do otherwise are subject to loss of credit and/or loss of eligibility to continue to register. Failure to register for degree applicable courses over the course of three consecutive semesters will result in unsatisfactory progress and the rules of Continuous Enrollment Requirement will apply.

8020.40 Course Load

The course load of a graduate student may vary with the circumstances of the individual student each semester. A graduate student may enroll in 1 to 12 credit hours. Enrolling in more than 12 credit hours is not recommended and students should seek advisement with the Office of Academic Assistance or their faculty advisor prior to registration unless employed as a Graduate Assistant (GA) with the university. A full-time course of study for graduate students at Georgia State University is nine (9) credit hours in fall and spring semesters, and six (6) credit hours in summer semesters.

In determining each semester’s course load, a student must balance other time constraints (work, family, civic, and other responsibilities) with the need to make reasonable and timely progress toward completion of the program.

8020.50 Grade Point Average and Course Grade Requirements

For Master’s level students, an overall institutional grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better must be earned to receive the MPH degree. All core courses in the MPH degree must be completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better, and any student earning a grade of B- or below must repeat the core course. No more than six semester hours of grades less than B (3.0) will be accepted for the degree in all other MPH program of study courses. No grade below a C will be accepted toward the degree. The records of students who fall below the 3.00 GPA requirement for all course attempts will be reviewed for continuation in the MPH program, and students may receive a scholastic warning or be scholastically dismissed from the MPH program.

For Graduate Certificate in Public Health (GCPH) students, an overall institutional grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better must be earned to receive the Graduate Certificate. The three foundational core courses in the GCPH must be completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better. Any student earning a grade of B- or below must repeat the core course. No more than three semester hours of grades less than B will be accepted in the two Graduate Certificate program elective courses. No grade lower than C will count for credit towards the certificate, nor will more than one grade of C+ or C be allowed for credit towards the certificate. The records of students who fall below the 3.00 GPA requirement for all course attempts will be reviewed for continuation in the GCPH program, and students may receive a scholastic warning or be scholastically dismissed from the GCPH program.

For Maternal and Child Health Graduate Certificate (MCHGC) students, an overall institutional grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better must be earned to receive the graduate certificate. The two prerequisite courses (PHPH 7011 and PHPH 7017  ) and two foundational core courses (PHPB 7140  and PHPB 7160  ) in the MCHGC must be completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better any student earning a grade of B- or below must repeat the core course. No grade below a C will be accepted in the graduate certificate program courses. The records of students who fall below the 3.00 GPA requirement for all course attempts will be reviewed for continuation in the MCHGC program, and students may receive a scholastic warning or be scholastically dismissed from the MCHGC program.

Transient students must maintain an overall institutional grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better in order to continue enrolling as a transient student. Transient students who do not maintain a 3.0 GPA or better may receive a scholastic warning or be scholastically dismissed.

Any doctoral student completing the prerequisite MPH core courses must earn a grade of B (3.0) or better in those MPH core courses; any doctoral student earning a grade of B- or below must repeat the prerequisite MPH core course. Doctoral students should refer to section 8060.40 Grade Point Average and Course Grade Requirements for Doctoral Students for more information regarding doctoral program grade point average requirements.

8020.60 Final Course Grades

School of Public Health faculty and instructors follow the following course grading scale:

  • A+ 98-100
  • A 93-97
  • A- 90-92
  • B+ 87-89
  • B 83-86
  • B- 80-82
  • C+ 77-79
  • C 73-76
  • C- 70-72
  • D 60-69
  • F below 60

Any deviations - including the availability of plus/minus grading - will be at the discretion of the individual public health faculty member or instructor, and specifically stated in the course syllabus. Throughout this Catalog, there are noted grade requirements for certain courses in each program. It is important to note that if the grade requirement is a “B (3.0) or better,” then a B- (2.7) grade does NOT meet that “B (3.0) or better” grade requirement. Likewise, if the grade requirement is a “C (2.0) or better,” then a C- (1.7) grade does NOT meet that “C (2.0) or better” grade requirement.

8020.70 Transfer of Credit for MPH Program

Transfer Credits from another institution: A student may apply a maximum of nine (9) semester hours of approved course credit transferred from other institution(s) toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements. In order to transfer, the course grade must be a grade of B (3.0) or better.  Transfer credits are processed by the School and must be approved by petition. Students requesting to petition for transfer of credits must work with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance.  Approval is at the discretion of the Department Chair of the student’s home department and concentration.  All credits, including transfer credits, presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral from a program or school accredited by CEPH at the time of completion. With the exception of university-approved dual degree programs, if the course to be transferred in was used to satisfy another degree program either at Georgia State or elsewhere, the department chair reserves the right to require the student to complete a different graduate-level course prescribed by the department chair. That course will be substituted into the student’s MPH program, so that the student completes the forty-two (42) unique total credit hours for their MPH degree.

Credits earned at Georgia State University in either transient, non-degree, or other-Georgia State University-degree status: A student may apply a maximum of nine (9) semester hours of applicable Georgia State University course credit earned prior to MPH program admission (while taking public health courses as either transient, non-degree, or other-Georgia State University-degree status) toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements. Courses that satisfy the MPH core courses must be completed with a grade of B or better, and courses that satisfy a concentration required or elective course must be completed with a grade of C or better.  Credits are processed by the School - petition is not required, but students should confirm their previously completed courses are applicable. Students may work with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance to confirm applicability.  Approval of applicable courses is at the discretion of the Department Chair of the student’s home department and concentration - it is not guaranteed. All Georgia State University credits presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral. With the exception of university-approved dual degree programs, if the course to be transferred in was used to satisfy another degree program either at Georgia State or elsewhere, the department chair reserves the right to require the student to complete a different graduate-level course prescribed by the department chair. That course will be substituted into the student’s MPH program, so that the student completes forty-two (42) unique total credit hours for their MPH degree.

Credits earned at Georgia State University in GCPH enrollment status: A Georgia State Graduate Certificate in Public Health (GCPH) student may apply a maximum of sixteen (16) semester hours of applicable Georgia State University course credit earned while completing the GCPH and prior to MPH program admission toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements. Approval of applicable courses is at the discretion of the Department Chair of the student’s home department and concentration of their MPH program - it is not guaranteed. Students may work with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance to confirm applicability with their Department Chair. Courses that satisfy the MPH core courses must be completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better, and courses that satisfy a concentration required or elective course must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better. Credits are processed by the School - petition is not required, but students should confirm their previously completed courses are applicable.  All Georgia State University credits presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral.

Credits earned at Georgia State University in MCHGC enrollment status: A GSU Maternal and Child Health Graduate Certificate (MCHGC) student may apply a maximum of twenty-seven (27) semester hours of applicable Georgia State University course credit earned while completing the MCHGC and prior to MPH program admission toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements. Approval of applicable courses is at the discretion of the Department Chair of the student’s home department and concentration of their MPH program - it is not guaranteed. Students may work with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance to confirm applicability with their Department Chair. Courses that satisfy the MPH core courses must be completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better, and courses that satisfy a concentration required or elective course must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better. Credits are processed by the School - petition is not required, but students should confirm their previously completed courses are applicable. All Georgia State University credits presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral. 

Credits earned from another institution while currently enrolled: Students who have been accepted into a School of Public Health program and who wish to take courses at another institution for credit must first obtain written approval via the graduate petition process.  The first step in this approval process is to meet with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance. All credits, including transfer credits, presented for the Master’s degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral, all credits presented for the graduate certificate must have been earned within three calendar years of graduate certificate completion, and all credits presented for the DrPH or Ph.D. must have been earned within nine calendar years of the date of degree conferral. Courses transferred-in for the doctoral degree may not be used in fulfilling the Doctoral Public Health Core Courses requirements or the doctoral residency requirement for either doctoral degree.

JD/MPH Dual Degree Credits earned at Georgia State University just prior to dual degree (JD/MPH) status: A student may apply MPH-applicable Georgia State University College of Law course credit (earned for the JD degree) toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements if the JD/MPH dual degree student is admitted and enrolled into both degree programs. JD credits applied to the MPH degree are processed by the SPH-petition is not required, but students should confirm (in advance) with the Graduate Advisor that their planned JD courses are applicable to the MPH, and are correctly populating in their PAWS electronic MPH program of study. Approval of applicable courses is at the discretion of the SPH OAA and the Department Chair of the student’s home MPH department and concentration-it is not guaranteed. All Georgia State University credits presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral.

Ph.D. Community Psychology/MPH Dual Degree Credits earned at Georgia State University just prior to dual degree (Ph.D. Community Psychology/MPH) status: A student may apply MPH-applicable Georgia State University Community Psychology course credit (earned for the Ph.D. Community Psychology degree) toward fulfilling MPH degree requirements if the Ph.D. Community Psychology/MPH dual degree student is admitted and enrolled into both degree programs prior to completion of 30 credit hours of MPH coursework and 30 hours of Ph.D. Community Psychology coursework. Ph.D. Community Psychology credits applied to the MPH degree are processed by the SPH OAA - a petition is not required, but students should confirm (in advance) with the Graduate Advisor that their planned Ph.D. Community Psychology courses are applicable to the MPH, and are correctly populating in their PAWS electronic MPH program of study. Approval of applicable courses is at the discretion of the SPH OAA and the Department Chair of the student’s home MPH department and concentration - it is not guaranteed. All Georgia State University credits presented for the MPH degree must have been earned within six calendar years of the date of degree conferral.

8020.75 Out-of-Residence Credit and Graduation

Students who wish to take graduate courses at another institution to complete the coursework for their Georgia State University degree should provide the information listed above (except the transcript) to the Office of Academic Assistance before enrolling at the other institution. Advance approval will ensure that the transfer credit can be granted if a grade of “B” or higher is earned in the course(s) and the coursework is completed within the time limit allowed for the student’s degree program. Such students should plan to graduate at least one semester after the Out-of-Residence quarter/semester in which the last course to be transferred has been taken. This will allow adequate time for the necessary transcript to be received and for the transfer credit to be processed. Please refer to the graduation office website for complete instructions and information concerning applying for graduation and the graduation fee: registrar.gsu.edu/graduation/. A letter certifying completion of degree requirements and stating the date the degree will be conferred can be furnished to the student by the OAA.

8020.80 Application for Graduation

All candidates for the graduate certificate programs (GCPH and MCHGC), as well as MPH, DrPH, and Ph.D. degrees must file a formal application for graduation with the University’s Graduation Office at least two semesters in advance of the expected semester of graduation. Deadlines are published on the Georgia State website: registrar.gsu.edu/graduation/. The Graduation Office will inform the School when the application is filed by the student. The School of Public Health will then conduct an audit and inform the student of any remaining requirements - these items will include any graduation clearance requirements. A degree will be awarded only to a student who meets the university academic, residence, and graduation clearance requirements as well as the standards of performance and academic requirements for the MPH, DrPH, or Ph.D. degree.

8020.90 Scholastic Warning and Suspension for MPH, GCPH, MCHGC, and Transient Students

Each student admitted into the MPH, GCPH, or MCHGC program in the School of Public Health must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00. A student whose cumulative institutional grade point average falls below 3.00 at the end of a semester will be placed on Scholastic Warning. The student will be notified of this standing by the School of Public Health. If a 3.00 cumulative grade point average is not achieved by the end of the next twelve semester hours or two semesters, whichever is longer, of completed course work approved by the SPH faculty, the student will be suspended from the graduate program. Transient students must maintain a 3.00 cumulative grade point average in order to continue in that status. Transient students who do not maintain a 3.00 cumulative grade point average may be subject to scholastic exclusion.

A student may apply for reinstatement after one semester as a suspended student. Application for reinstatement must be made no later than six weeks prior to the first day of classes for the semester in which reinstatement is sought.

8030 Student Appeals Procedures

The appeals procedure for graduate students in the School of Public Health will follow different paths, depending on the nature of the student’s appeal. The various types of situations and the appropriate appeals avenues are as follows:

8030.10 Admissions Appeals

At the graduate level, a person who wishes to appeal an admission decision first discusses the matter with the Director of the Office of Academic Assistance (OAA) within 5 working days of the date of the denial. If the question is not settled there, a written appeal must be submitted to the OAA Director within 10 working days of the date of the denial or the date of the denial discussion with the OAA Director. (Workdays are counted as Monday through Friday except university holidays and closures.) The director will present the appeal to the appropriate Admissions Committee, which will examine the facts presented. The OAA Director, on behalf of the committee, will make a recommendation to the Assosciate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs and/or the Academic Affairs Committee Chair will render a written decision to the applicant normally within 10 workdays of the date the applicant’s letter was received by the OAA Director. See Section 1100 of the Graduate Catalog for University level appeals of admission decisions.

8030.20 Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals, and Student Complaints, Concerns, or Grievances

Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals Procedure

The petitions for policy waivers and variances, and appeals procedure for students will follow different courses depending on the nature of the student’s appeal. Please refer to University Information Section 1050.80 under Polices and Disclosures in this catalog or visit enrollment.gsu.edu/assistance/  or the Student Code of Conduct online: codeofconduct.gsu.edu/ for details.

Student Complaints, Concerns, or Grievances

Similarly, the student complaints, concerns, or grievance procedure for students will follow different courses depending on the nature of the student’s appeal. Please refer to University Information Section 1050.80 under Polices and Disclosures in this catalog or visit enrollment.gsu.edu/assistance/.

8030.30 Appeal of Exclusions, Dismissals and Terminations

Terminated, dismissed or excluded graduate students with questions about their status should first discuss their situation with the Graduate Advisor in the Office of Academic Assistance (OAA). Following this discussion, students who believe they have extenuating circumstances may submit a written appeal of their termination or exclusion to the Director of OAA. The director will review the information submitted in support of the appeal and the student’s total record. The Director will then make a recommendation to the Department Chair, who will make the decision regarding acceptance or denial of the appeal. The student will receive a written response from the school normally within 10 workdays of the date the appeal is received. (Workdays are counted as Monday through Friday except university holidays and closures.)

Requests for such consideration must be submitted, in writing, to the director of OAA within 10 workdays (defined as Monday through Friday except university holidays and closures). Students should write their appeals completely, but concisely, and include all facts germane to their case. Documentation should be provided, where possible, to substantiate statements made. Specific dates of the beginning and ending of particular problems should be included. Only circumstances described in the written and signed appeal as initially submitted will be accepted from the student; oral appeals are not permitted, nor are requests to submit additional information after the appeal has been reviewed. Appeals must be dated, signed, and include the student’s home address and telephone numbers (work and home).

Having been enrolled in too many courses relative to job requirements or other responsibilities or having continued to enroll while experiencing personal, work, or health-related problems very rarely constitutes such extenuating circumstances.