105.1 Provisional Period for New Hires, Transfers, and Rehires
Each new employee is required to serve the first six (6) months of employment at Georgia State University in a provisional status. During this time, the new employee has the first opportunity to evaluate the University as a place to work. Likewise, the supervisor will evaluate the employee’s job performance. If the employee’s work performance is not satisfactory, the employee will be notified in writing during the six-month provisional period and the employee may be terminated at that time without the right of appeal.
In the event of an approved leave of greater than thirty (30) days, an equivalent extension of the provisional period may be granted with the approval of the President or the Associate Vice President for Human Resources. An extension should be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and in no instance shall the provisional period be extended such that the total provisional period would exceed nine (9) months.
University System employees transferring to another University System institution or the University System Office are subject to a new six (6) month provisional period upon beginning at the new location.
Police Department employees are subject to the same provisional employment requirement as other employees, except that the six (6) month provisional period will not begin until any person employed as a police officer has completed his/her mandated training for certification as a police officer. This special provision only applies to those Police Department employees for who specified training is mandated by state law and such training occurs after their employment.
Employees in the six-month provisional period are eligible for transfer or promotion within the University during that period only when granted permission by the Dean/Vice President of their current college/division.
Employees who have successfully completed a provisional period and who are transferring to or being promoted into a new position will not be subject to another provisional period.
Former employees who are rehired will be considered new employees and will have another provisional period.