Feb 10, 2025  
2021-2022 Employee Handbook 
2021-2022 Employee Handbook

(500) Workplace Practices

501 Work Schedule

The normal work week for a full time regular employee consists of 40 hours per week. Employees may on occasion, have to work more or less than forty hours per week. In these instances, every effort will be made to provide as much advance notice as possible. All employees working in excess of 40 hours per week will be compensated in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Work hours and days are determined by the needs of the University and will be communicated to the employee by the supervisor. There may be instances when the needs of the University and/or Department dictate a change in schedule. This change will be communicated to the employee by the supervisor with as much advance notice as possible.

The University and/or Departments reserve the right to change work schedules as necessary to meet changing University and/or departmental needs.

501.1 Attendance

Each employee, exempt  and non-exempt , is expected to adhere to his/her scheduled hours. If the employee is unable to report to work as scheduled for any reason, the employee should promptly notify his/her supervisor. It is not sufficient to leave a message with a co-worker, nor should the notification be made by a friend or family member, except under emergency situations. Such notification should be made as far in advance as possible. Failure to give the appropriate notification may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination .

501.2 Personnel Action Form (PAF)

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that documentation reflecting payroll action is received in the Payroll, Benefits, & HRIS in a timely manner. The supervisor must complete the Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF). The form must be received in Payroll, Benefits, and HRIS no later than 4:30 pm on the 10th workday preceding the payday. ePAFs received after the deadline may require an adjustment to the following paycheck. Since the process is electronic, departments are able to access their ePAFs and monitor the status during the approval and data entry processes.

501.3 Time Reporting

Provisions of the Fair Labor and Standards Act require that non-exempt employees record and report the hours worked per pay period. The current official workweek for all non-exempt employees begins at 12:00a.m. Saturday morning and ends at 11:59p.m. Friday evening. Time entry into ADP e-Time must reflect hours worked for each workweek of the pay period and should include all absences taken in the pay period.

All hours worked must be recorded in ADP e-Time and the employee and the supervisor must approve the hours worked. Pre-approval of overtime by the supervisor must be received before overtime may be worked. While unapproved overtime worked will be paid, the consequence could be disciplinary action. Furthermore, falsification or failure to report accurate time may result in unpaid and/or disciplinary action, including termination.


501.4 Exempt Employee Absence Reporting

It is the responsibility of the exempt employee to enter all time away from work into ADP e-Time. Time not entered into ADP in a timely fashion must be submitted on Historical Edit Forms. The Historical Edit forms are located on the Department of Human Resource website at: http://managers.hr.gsu.edu/resources/formspoliciesguidelines/search-forms/?gf_search=Payroll

501.5 Breaks

Breaks are a privilege that may be granted by each individual supervisor and are not a right. The needs of the job must be satisfied before breaks can be granted. If the work situation permits, the supervisor may authorize breaks. Employees on break may leave the work area. In departments where is it necessary to have someone on duty at all times, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that work assignments are covered to the approval of the supervisor. Therefore, in some units, breaks are not possible.

Employees may not forgo lunch breaks to accumulate extra time off in the future or to make up for tardiness or previous absence. Therefore, lunch breaks may not be skipped in order to leave early or come in late.

501.6 Flexible Scheduling

Flextime allows for flexible scheduling arrangements that permit variations in starting and departure times, but does not alter the total number of hours worked in a workweek or workday and does not allow for working away from the office location. Flextime can be used to improve coverage and extend service hours. Flextime is a privilege and may be discontinued, temporarily suspended or altered, with or without notice, at the sole discretion of the appropriate supervisor, Vice President, or Dean when the work needs change or if service is impaired. Each request for a flextime schedule will be decided on an individual basis by the supervisor of the employee. All decisions should be consistent with Department practices.

501.7 Alternate Work Schedule

Georgia State University recognizes that alternative work schedules benefit the University, employees and the environment. Alternative work schedules include, but are not limited to, compressed workweeks or flex scheduling. Alternate work schedules are a privilege and may be discontinued, temporarily suspended or altered, with or without notice, in the sole discretion of the appropriate supervisor, Vice President, or Dean. Alternative work schedules may not be suitable for all employees and/or positions. An alternative work schedule will be decided by the supervisor, with the approval of the appropriate Vice President or Dean, and will be consistent with University and department practices. Compressed work weeks are only available as an option during the summer periods, which begins the first Monday after spring commencement and ends the last Friday of the summer session. In certain exceptions, alternative work schedules may be extended beyond the summer period, with the approval of the supervisor and Vice President/Dean, to meet the needs of the University (i.e. extended student service hours). Alternate work schedules are only available to those employees who are outside of their six-month provisional period, have received an overall rating of “Meets Expectations” on the most recent annual performance evaluation, not under a Performance Improvement Plan, have not had any disciplinary action taken within the last six (6) months, work in positions identified as eligible for participation, and have approval from department/unit/college leadership.

Alternative work schedules do not change the employee’s duties, salary, or benefits. Furthermore, alternative work schedules do not excuse the employee from attending meetings or handling responsibilities that are during regular work hours. Employee’s hours can be changed to accommodate departmental needs/expectations.

502 Employee Records

The Payroll and HR Records Office maintains for each employee a personnel file that contains vital employment information. To ensure that personnel records are up to date, it is the employee’s responsibility to promptly notify Human Resources in writing of any changes in name, home address, marital status, number of dependents, beneficiary changes, telephone number, and person to notify in case of emergency.

502.1 Access to Employee Records

Access to employee records is subject to state statutes on personnel records. Georgia State University is a public university and is therefore, subject to the Georgia Open Records Act, which means that employee information can be made available upon request through the Office of Legal Affairs.

Please visit: http://universityattorney.gsu.edu/ for more information.

502.2 Disclosure of Information

Upon written request, the HR Records Office will furnish an employee’s dates of employment, title, or position to third parties. In instances where payroll information is requested (e.g.: salary information for the purpose of obtaining a mortgage), the requesting party will be advised that this information will only be made available with the written consent of the employee.

502.3 Updating Information

In order to respond to possible emergencies and to provide employees with important notices relating to salaries, benefits, and other matters, it is important that the University have current and accurate records. A form to correct the employee’s central personnel record must then be prepared and forwarded to the HR Records Office. Alternatively, an “on-line” update may be entered through ADP.

Accordingly, it is the employee’s responsibility to report any change in status-name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents, etc.-to the HR Records Office and to the business manager or designee responsible for the records.

503 Duty to Report Criminal Charges/Determinations

503.1 Criminal charges

An employee of Georgia State University who is charged with a crime (other than a minor traffic offense and/or local ordinance violation) shall report having been charged to his or her supervisor within three (3) days of becoming aware of such charge. The employee shall report the crime(s) he/she has been charged with and provide documentation of the charges upon request. Within three (3) days of receiving notice from the employee, the supervisor will contact the Office of Employee Relations and Legal Affairs, so a determination can be made as to what action, if any, is immediately warranted.

503.2 Criminal Determinations

Within three (3) days of the employee receiving a determination of the criminal charges, he/she will notify his/her supervisor and provide documentation of the disposition. Within three (3) days of receiving notice from the employee, the supervisor will contact the Office of Employee Relations and Legal Affairs, so a determination can be made as to what action, if any, is warranted.

Failure to report under this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

504 Employee Health and Safety

The prevention of accidents and the promotion of safety are the responsibility of everyone in the University community.

Everyone is encouraged to be alert to and report any unsafe practices and conditions that may present an imminent danger to individuals or property. Employees should report these types of conditions immediately to their immediate supervisor, designee, or to the Office of Safety and Risk Management.

The Office of Research Integrity provides support to the University in all areas of environmental and chemical safety, including chemical and other hazardous waste removal and radiation safety. If there are any concerns with fire safety, worker’s compensation, accident prevention and property and liability insurance, employees should contact the Office of Safety and Risk Management for these services at (404) 413-9549.

504.1 Georgia State University Police

The Georgia State University Police provide a variety of services to the University community including assistance to stranded motorists, safety escorts, and crime prevention programs. Call boxes linked directly to the University Police Department are located throughout the campus in the event of an emergency situation. The Police phone number to contact in the event of an emergency is (404) 413-3333. To enhance campus security, the Police suggest that employees program this number in cell phones for easy access.

504.2 Emergency Treatment

In the event of a serious or life threatening emergency, call 9-911 for immediate assistance (if dialing from a University phone).

If the situation is not an emergency, the injured employee should report their injury to their supervisor, or their supervisor’s designated alternative. Their supervisor is charged with correctly reporting injured employee’s accidents.

A Workers’ Compensation MCO Posted Panel of Physicians and an Employee Rights and Responsibility Poster should be posted, together, in each department. The Workers’ Compensation MCO Posted Panel of Physician provides basic information how to obtain an approved referral to medical care under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation program. The Employee Rights and Responsibility Poster outlines both the injured employee’s rights and their responsibilities under the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation.

When an employee is injured at work, if they choose to be treated under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation insurance, all care and all follow-up care must be from an approved medical provider, even after an emergency room visit, if medical bills are to be paid by the Workers’ Compensation insurance provider. Treatment will not be authorized for any other physician or facility not pre-approved by the insurance carrier, the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS).

A Workers’ Compensation MCO Posted Panel of Physicians and an Employee Rights and Responsibility Poster may be found at: http://safety.gsu.edu/risk-management/occupation-health-safety/workers-compensation-2/

The employee’s supervisor may not authorize any medical treatments for an injured employee. A supervisor may also not send to, or choose for, an injured employee any doctor or treating facility. Only an injured employee may choose their medical treatment, by arranging all appointments and treatments through the Workers’ Compensation insurance referral service (listed on the MCO Posted Panel of Physicians). Failure to report the accident promptly could result in failure to receive benefits.

504.3 Campus Safety and Security Fire and Emergency Services

Each Georgia State University building has fire evacuation plans posted in common areas. All employees are encouraged to become familiar with the escape routes for all buildings and floors, the locations of fire extinguishers, hoses and alarms. In the event of a fire or evacuation, every employee should follow the fire safety evacuation route, vacate the premises, and move to a safe area until the officials in charge declare the premises safe to enter. Exits and areas around fire extinguishers must be kept clear at all times. Periodic fire safety inspections and drills are held to test equipment and procedures.

Employees are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the emergency action procedures associated with their work area and how Georgia State University prepares for, responds to and recovers from a major emergency. A copy of the University Emergency Management Policy and Emergency Action Plan can be obtained through the University Police Department website or request via email at: eoc@gsu.edu.

For questions about fire safety or emergency procedures, contact the Office of Emergency Management at (404) 413-0783 or eoc@gsu.edu. IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 9-911 FOR AN AMBULANCE. THEN CALL (404) 413-3333 TO REPORT TO THE GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY POLICE.

For all other emergencies, call the University Police at (404) 413-3333.

504.4 Employee Right to Know

The Public Employee Hazardous Chemical Protection and the Right to Know Act of 1988 were passed to help protect public employees from dangerous exposure to hazardous chemicals. In compliance with this law, Georgia State University has established labeling, reporting and training procedures relating to the use of hazardous materials. All University employees have access to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), which outline specific information about hazardous chemical materials.

As part of its responsibility as your employer, Georgia State University has developed a written plan for implementing the Hazard Communication Program. All new hires are provided with an overview of the major elements of the Hazard Communication Standard and an understanding of the potential hazards of the chemicals they handle and the procedures to be used to ensure personal safety.

Georgia State University requires the training of employees about hazardous chemicals, labeling of chemical containers, and the management of chemical information sheets (Material Safety Data Sheets). The intent of the training is to provide employees with the chemical health and safety information they need to help protect themselves and to work safely with hazardous chemicals. Each department is responsible for assuring that their employees are trained, if they are covered by this regulation, that containers are labeled, and an updated list of non-laboratory chemicals used in their work areas is maintained.

The manner in which Georgia State University is complying with each of these requirements is detailed in the Hazard Communication Plan.

As an employee of the University, you must follow established procedures, attend a Hazard Communication training session (in some cases just reading this manual suffices), read chemical labels and Material Safety Data Sheets, and follow their instructions and warnings. For information, contact the University Right to Know Coordinator located in the Office of Safety and Risk Management.

505 Use of University Services and Property

University owned and controlled facilities, systems, and equipment are state property and may not be used by University employees for personal or commercial purposes or in a manner that interferes with the performance of their University job duties.

Electronic mail, voice mail, cell phones, fax machines, computers, and copiers should be used for official Georgia State University business only. Employees should understand that electronic mail and voice mail messages are not secure and therefore should not be assumed to be private.

No expectation of privacy exists in the use of any University owned or controlled facilities, systems, or equipment issued or made available to University employees including, but not limited to, offices, phones, voicemail, computers, email accounts, data storage devices, file cabinets or lockers. The University reserves the right to enter, inspect, inventory, use, recall, or transfer property it owns or controls at any time deemed appropriate, in the University’s sole discretion.

505.1 Use of Georgia State Stationery

Georgia State University stationery is intended for University business and must not be used by employees for personal or non-University correspondence.

505.2 Use of Telephones

The use of all State of Georgia telephone services should be limited to official University business only. Telephone calls should be handled in a prompt and courteous manner, and University telephone land lines and cellphone lines must be kept clear for University business calls.

Using office and cell phones for personal long distance calls is a violation of University policy, which is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination . Employees may not make personal long distance calls with the intention of repaying the University at a later date.

505.3 Personal Activities

505.3a Mail and Packages

The University is not responsible for loss or damage to personal packages or mail addressed to any of its employees at a Georgia State facility. In order to avoid a possible financial loss, it is strongly recommended that such items be mailed or shipped to the employee’s home address.

Employees may not use the Campus Mail services for personal mail. This service is staffed to handle only official University correspondence; its use for other purposes slows down delivery of official mail. While the Campus Mail Staff does not ordinarily inspect individual letters and packages for conformance to this policy, they are required to call to the attention of proper authorities any apparent violations.

505.3b Visitors

It is expected that employees will limit their personal visitations during working hours.

505.3c Children in the Workplace

Employees are not to bring their children to work during the employee’s scheduled work hours. In addition, children may not be cared for in the workplace. Other arrangements must be made. Employees bringing children to work may be asked to leave and be required to take unpaid leave or use accrued leave.

505.3d Business Activities

Employees who supplement their earnings by the promotion or sale of products and services do so entirely on their own initiative and without implied approval or endorsement by the University. All such activity, including sampling, soliciting orders, and deliveries, must be conducted entirely outside of working hours and entirely outside of University property.

505.3e Pets

Health, safety, and courtesy reasons preclude the presence of pets in the workplace, except approved service animals.

505.4 PantherCards

Employees are required to obtain a PantherCard within thirty (30) days of employment from the Auxiliary and Support Services PantherCard Office.

The PantherCard is the official Georgia State University card that is used for identification purposes and for access to many facilities on the main campus. It is a card used for photo identification and library materials check out. The PantherCard is the property of Georgia State University and upon leaving the University, employees are expected to return the card to Auxiliary Support Services.

If the card is lost or stolen, employees must immediately contact the Auxiliary and Support Services PantherCard Office during office hours Monday through Friday. After hours, lost or stolen cards should be reported to the Georgia State University Police. The recipient of the card is responsible for all usage of the card prior to proper notification to the Auxiliary and Support Services PantherCard Office or to the Georgia State University Police. After the card has been reported to either of these locations, a new card can be issued on the following business day. There is a replacement fee for lost, stolen or damaged cards; the fee will increase for each subsequent replacement.

505.5 Recycling Programs on Campus

Georgia State University encourages recycling of all paper products including: cardboard, plain, color, magazines, newspapers, phone books, books; drink containers including cans and plastic and glass bottles; and wooden pallets.

Georgia State University supports single-stream recycling, which means that paper, cardboard, metal and plastic products can be commingled in any recycling bin on campus. Be aware that glass, Styrofoam, plastic bags and film, #6 & #7 plastics, aerosol cans, and cartons are considered contamination and are not accepted in the single stream recycling bins. Keep the recycling stream clean by draining and washing your bottles, cans, and containers and by avoiding disposal of soiled food or contaminated materials in the recycling bins. To request one or more recycling bins, to find out about the recycling pickup schedule in your building, to request that a bin be emptied or a wooden pallet taken away, contact Building Services at (404) 413-0600. Please email: recycle@gsu.edu with questions or work requests, and visit the Recycling page on the Office of Sustainability website at: https://sustainability.gsu.edu/initiatives/ for more information.

506 Workplace Ethics Policy

Georgia State University is committed to maintaining workplace practices that have the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct. All employees are obligated to perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with the statutes, regulations, and University policies governing employee conduct. To ensure the implementation of the Ethics Policy, all University employees are provided with training and are required to successfully complete the initial and ongoing training and certification as required by Georgia State University. For more information on the Ethics Policy, please refer to Section 101.17 (Ethics Policy) .

507 Compliance and Hotline Complaints

All members of the University (faculty, staff, and students) are encouraged to report any suspected occurrences of fraud, illegal activity, or harassment through their supervisory chain of command or other trusted administrators. They may also report these occurrences to the Office of Human Resources, the Police Department, or University Auditing and Advisory Services. Any suspected occurrences of harassment can be reported to the Office of Opportunity Development and Diversity Education Planning or the Office of the Ombudsperson.

University Research Services & Administration, Research Integrity department should be contacted for improper treatment of human and animal subjects, lab and biosafety issues, radiation and environmental safety issues, or the unethical conduct and reporting of research.

If a member of the University is uncomfortable using these normal administrative channels, they may report occurrences of fraud, illegal or unethical activity, or harassment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-877-217-4674 or through Georgia State University Ethics and Compliance Reporting Hotline at: https://gsu.alertline.com/gcs/welcome. All good faith reports may be made free from fear of retaliation.