Oct 25, 2024  
2021-2022 Employee Handbook 
2021-2022 Employee Handbook

(1000) Electronic Device Usage Procedures - Computers and Cell Phones

1001 Computer Usage

Georgia State University equipment, including computer hardware and software, are valuable assets. These items should be used for official Georgia State University business only. Although every effort is made to secure the information of each authorized user, messages and/or files stored on the computer or system network should not be considered to be private and/or secure. Under the Georgia Open Records law, it is possible that information that is stored on a computer system, including electronic mail, would be available for inspection by any member of the public. Further, Georgia State University reserves the right to have access to any information stored on a University-owned computer or network. Under no circumstances may software be copied or installed on a Georgia State University computer if such copying or installation would violate any copyright or licensing agreement. All system users are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the Information Systems Ethics Policy located at: https://app.gsu.edu/policies/index.cfm?view_policy=5871

Any employee in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as possible legal action. Sending blanket emails to the University is prohibited. This policy includes, but is not limited to the following types of computers: desktops, laptops, notebooks, netbooks, and iPads. See Instructional Innovation and Technology (IIT) for additional policies at: http://technology.gsu.edu/about/technology-policies/ and https://app.gsu.edu/policies/index.cfm?category=187

1001.1 User Responsibilities

All employees are expected to use university IT resources in a responsible manner, as well as use IT resources for which an employee is authorized. Therefore, it is a violation for an employee to:

  • Use resources he/she has not been specifically authorized to use;
  • Use someone else’s account and password or share his/her account and password with someone else;
  • Access files, data, processes, or systems without authorization;
  • Release a virus or worm that damages or harms a system or network;
  • Send an email that may cause problems and disrupt service for other users;
  • Corrupt or misuse information;
  • Alter or destroy information without authorization;
  • Download, use, or distribute copyrighted materials, including pirated software, music, videos, or games;
  • Upload, download, distribute, or possess pornography;
  • Use computing or network resources for advertising or commercial purposes, except as approved by the University;
  • Intercept or monitor any network communications not intended for the employee;
  • Use access other than for official duties;
  • Use access after transfer or termination, except as stipulated by the University; or
  • Use electronic resources for harassment or stalking other individuals.

For more information, see USG IT Handbook, Section 5.1 at: http://www.usg.edu/assets/information_technology_services/documents/IT_Handbook.pdf

1001.2 User Responsibilities for Personal Devices

Employees who use their personally-owned devices to access Georgia State University data and information must make every attempt to safeguard confidential, sensitive, and protected information. If employees use their personal devices for University-related business, employees are expected to follow the guidelines under Section 1001.1 (User Responsibilities).

1002 Wireless Network

Authorized users of Georgia State University computer systems, networks, and data repositories may be permitted to use wireless technology to connect to those systems, networks, or data repositories for the conduct of university-related business only through authenticated and centrally managed access methods.

1003 Social Media

Georgia State University recognizes the advances in technology and the benefits of these advances: one advance being Social Media. While the use of Social Media can be very beneficial to the promotion, marketing, and advancement of Georgia State University, the abuse and/or misuse of this technology can be counterproductive and damaging to the mission, vision, and image of the institution. As a result, it is important to communicate expectations around how Social Media should be used at Georgia State University. The following are guidelines for Social Media usage at Georgia State University. The absence or lack of explicit reference to a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of these guidelines. Where no guidelines exist, employees should consult with their supervisor and/or the Office of Employee Relations if they are uncertain or have questions concerning appropriate use. Any employee in violation may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

1003.1 Productivity

Social Media activities should not interfere with work commitments or negatively impact productivity. As stated in the IIT policies, University computers and work time are to be used for University related business. Employees should not use their Georgia State University-issued email address to register their personal social media accounts. Employees should engage in Social Media activity only if it is directly related to accomplishing work goals.

1003.2 Unauthorized Use of Georgia State University’s Name, Logo, or Insignia

The Georgia State University logo is a registered trademark protected by Federal law. University logos, services, and other trademarks may only be used on official University websites and pages. Such use shall be in a way that brings value to the University and portrays Georgia State University in a positive light. Use of the University name and marks must also comply with the University Identity Guide, which is located at: http://commkit.gsu.edu/writers-style-guide/university-identity/

1003.2a Endorsements

Employees should not use the University name, logo, or insignia to endorse or promote any product, opinion, cause, or political candidate. Personal opinions represented as institutionally endorsed is strictly prohibited.

1003.4 Representation

Employees should not represent Georgia State University or speak on behalf of their college/unit/department on Social Media, unless written approval is given by their immediate supervisor.

1003.5 Confidentiality and Personal Information

Employees should not post any material that would infringe on the intellectual property or privacy rights of the University or others. This applies to confidential or proprietary information belonging to the University, including personal information pertaining to students, employees, or alumni. Employees should adhere to all applicable University privacy and confidentiality policies as well as State and Federal laws.

1003.5a Social Media Referencing

Employees should not reference or cite Georgia State University faculty, staff, students, donors, etc. without their express consent.

1003.5b Attribution

Employees should respect copyright laws and reference or cite sources appropriately. Plagiarism applies on-line as well. All posts shall comply with copyright, fair use, and all other applicable State and Federal Laws.

1003.6 Recommendations for Posting as an Individual

Employees should not represent themselves as an agent of Georgia State University while communicating on a personal blog, forum, or social networking site. Any personal blogs or comments on Social Media outlets, that could be construed to reflect negatively on Georgia State University should have clear disclaimers that the views expressed by the author are the author’s alone and do not represent the views of Georgia State University. Employees should always post honest and accurate content.

1004 Cell Phone/Electronic Device Usage

These guidelines apply to any device that makes or receives phone calls, leaves messages, sends text messages, surfs the Internet, downloads data, and allows for the reading of and responding to email.

1004.1 Use of Cell Phone/Electronic Device for University Business

Any employee who uses a cell phone/electronic device for University business should not use such cell phone or electronic device while driving. This includes but is not limited to receiving or placing calls, text messaging, surfing the Internet, receiving or responding to email, and checking for phone messages.

1004.2 Limitation of Cell Phone/Electronic Device

The use of all University cell phones/ electronic devices should be limited to official University business only. Using University cell phones/ electronic devices for personal use is a violation of University policy and may result in disciplinary action. While driving, if possible the employee should stop his/her vehicle in a safe location, so that he/she can safely use the cell phone/ electronic device. Employees may not use University cell phones/ electronic devices for personal communications with the intention of repaying the University at a later date.