Feb 16, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2000 Andrew Young School of Policy Studies

Undergraduate programs in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies are described in detail in this chapter. See subsections for specific program information as well as policies and procedures.

Office of the Dean

14 Marietta St. N.W., Suite 621
Sally Wallace, Dean
Ann-Margaret Esnard, Associate Dean for Research & Strategic Initiatives
Cynthia Searcy, Associate Dean for Academic Innovation & Strategy


Changing the World: One Student at a Time, One Idea at a Time.

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies strengthens communities across the globe through policy research, scholarship, public engagement, and the development of leaders.

The school is committed to quality education, offering a variety of academic undergraduate and graduate degree programs as well as nondegree training programs. It engages in basic and applied research and outreach addressed to the ongoing management of policies and programs, as well as effective delivery of human welfare services. The school houses several prestigious research centers focusing on the practical needs of governmental, nonprofit, and private-sector organizations in Atlanta, the state of Georgia, and the broader national and global communities. Degree programs in criminal justice and criminology, economics, policy studies, public administration, social work, and urban studies integrate individual academic career preparation with addressing those needs.

For current information, visit the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies website: aysps.gsu.edu.


The Master of Public Administration degree is accredited by The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. The School of Social Work is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

Academic Advisement

14 Marietta St. N. W., Suite G-52

The Office of Academic Assistance (OAA) supports the school’s commitment to quality education in the field of policy studies by advising seniors and coordinating the recruitment, admission and advising of graduate students. The OAA also serves as the administrative and regulatory office for student programs within the Dean’s Office in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.

Academic advisement is required of all students in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. The school has developed a system of advisement that integrates the Office of Academic Assistance and faculty advisors within the school. Through the advisement process, students learn to identify and use university resources effectively to: satisfy degree requirements; plan programs of study; discover how interests, skills and goals connect to fields of study and careers. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday. Walk-in advisement without an appointment is scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Degrees Offered

Undergraduate and graduate degree programs are offered through the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Department of Economics, Department of Public Management and Policy, the School of Social Work, and the Urban Studies Institute. Graduate degree programs are listed at the end of this section. The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies offers the following undergraduate programs of study:

Bachelor of Arts

  • Major in Economics
  • Major in International Economics and Modern Languages
    • Concentrations in: Chinese Language and Society, French, German, and Spanish

Note: The J. Mack Robinson College of Business offers the B.B.A. degree with a major in Business Economics. (See the 7000 J. Mack Robinson College of Business  chapter of this catalog for program curriculum.)

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Concentration in Social Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Science

  • Major in Criminal Justice
    • Crime and Justice Concentration
    • Legal Studies Concentration
  • Major in Economics
  • Major in Public Policy
    • Concentrations in: Nonprofit Leadership, Planning and Economic Development, and Public Management and Governance

Bachelor of Social Work

Study Abroad Opportunities

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies is committed to providing students the opportunity to study abroad through Maymester/Summer or exchange programs. Currently the school sponsors four Maymester/Summer and four exchange programs:

Maymester/Summer programs:

  1. Europe (France, Germany, The Netherlands & Czech Republic): a three-week Maymester program open to all students interested in critical appraisals of different policies, administrative structures and political processes in Europe and the United States. Program Director: Dr. Cynthia Searcy (csearcy@gsu.edu).
  2. South Africa: a three-week Summer program that provides a broad understanding of the workings of the South African economy, its infrastructure, its environment and its governance, as well as the accompanying social issues. Program Director - Dr. Glenwood Ross (gross@gsu.edu).
  3. Dominican Republic: a 10-day Spring Break program that explores social justice and health disparities from an international, comparative perspective. Program Director: Cyntoria Johnson (cjohnson5@gsu.edu)
  4. Salvador, Brazil: a 10-day Spring Break interdisciplinary global seminar that exposes students to key issues facing the legal and healthcare systems of Brazil. Program Director: Cyntoria Johnson (cjohnson5@gsu.edu).
  5. Trinidad and Tobago: a Maymester program that explores crime and justice from an international, comparative perspective and examines public policy issues related to crime and violence in developing nations. Program Director: Cyntoria Johnson (cjohnson5@gsu.edu).
  6. Ghana: A three-week Maymester program that allows students to delve into the topic of international development and its effects on the challenges of eradicating poverty and helping communities become sustainable. Program Director: Dr. K. Jurée Capers (kcapers@gsu.edu).

Exchange programs:

  1. England, Northumbria University: an exchange program for one semester that gives undergraduate or graduate students from any AYSPS degree program an opportunity to take courses in the social sciences. Program Director: Dr. Cynthia Searcy (csearcy@gsu.edu).
  2. Lausanne, Switzerland, University of Lausanne Faculté des Hautes Etudes Commerciales: an exchange program for graduate students of economics to gain expertise in the areas of international economies and economic policy through coursework, while living in a new cultural setting. Program Director: Dr. James Marton (marton@gsu.edu).
  3. Istanbul, Turkey, Marmara University: A semester or year-long exchange program between Georgia State and Marmara University for economics undergraduate and graduate students. Students take classes conducted in English. Program Director: Dr. Cynthia Searcy (csearcy@gsu.edu).

Academic Resources and Services

AYSPS Career Services & Alumni Relations

14 Marietta St. N.W., Suites G47-51

The Andrew Young School provides career support & leadership development services to all AYSPS current students and alumni. Students are invited to attend career events and workshops as well as meet one-on-one a career coach to discuss individual career questions. Career Services can help with the career exploration and search process, resume writing, interviewing skills, developing a LinkedIn profile, navigating the job or internship search process, and networking. To see a listing of current career events, please visit: career.aysps.gsu.edu/calendar. The Career Services Office also supports all AYSPS student clubs and organizations. Take a look at the range of groups available within the college, and consider getting involved: career.aysps.gsu.edu/organizations/. Make the most of your education by utilizing these great resources. The AYSPS Career Services & Alumni Relations office is located on the ground floor of the Andrew Young Building, in rooms G47-51.

AYSPS Research Vault

14 Marietta St. N.W., Suite V-51

The Research Vault offers research tools in policy studies and economics for faculty, staff and students at the AYSPS. It provides students with an introduction to relevant databases, data set manuals, and websites. The Vault also houses selected literature and data sets on fiscal policy, public administration, and economic issues to support ongoing research projects of AYSPS faculty and its research centers. The website above is available to assist patrons in searching the literature of regional, national, and international policy issues located in the Vault.

Research Vault staff, along with university liaison librarians, develops links to electronic journals and databases licensed to Georgia State University for the use of its student and faculty community, as well as those licensed by the powerful statewide Galileo system. Available are such sources as the Web of Science, a leading citation index, access to social science data from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), and Lexis-Nexis statistical tables for geographic, demographic, income and time series. The Vault holds data sets and publications from agencies in state government as well as the international community, especially in taxation.

The reading room has student workstations and provides copies of the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, and The Economist. Such periodicals as Tax Analysts Tax Weeklies, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Econometrics, and the Nonprofit Quarterly are available upon request.

International subscriptions include Government Finance Statistics Yearbook, International Financial Statistics Yearbook, World Economic Outlook, World Development Indicators, as well as other publications and data sets by the OECD, IMF, the World Bank and the United Nations.

Economics Tutoring Lab

14 Marietta St. N.W., Research Vault

The Economics Tutoring Lab provides tutoring for students in undergraduate economics classes, particularly in principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics (ECON 2105  and ECON 2106 ). Day and evening sessions are available; contact the Department of Economics for a schedule.

Research Centers and Programs

Center for Collaborative Social Work

55 Park Place N.E., 5th Floor

The Center for Collaborative Social Work developed out of the School of Social Work’s need for an organizational structure that extended the school’s founding principles beyond the classroom and into the community. The School of Social Work was developed in 1965 and is the first school in the country to offer a Master of Social Work with a sole concentration in community partnerships. The school’s commitment to community partnerships grew out of collaborative efforts with community stake holders from a variety of social service agencies in the greater Atlanta area. Together, they developed a program based on the following principles:

  • “Partnership is critical for human service delivery and building communities;
  • Challenges facing individuals and communities are interrelated and that solutions must be as well;
  • Students should commit themselves to addressing social and economic justice issues that test the spirit of individuals and communities;
  • Students should be educated for leadership roles to facilitate partnerships; and
  • The program must continue to be relevant to the professional lives of students and practitioners and to the needs of diverse communities.” (Wertheimer et al. 2004)

Center for State and Local Finance

14 Marietta St. N.W., 4th Floor

The Center for State and Local Finance’s (CSLF) mission is to develop the people and ideas for nextgeneration public finance by bringing together the Andrew Young School’s nationally-ranked faculty and the broader public finance community. Established in 2014, CSLF conducts and publishes innovative,nonpartisan research on economic development and urban policy, education finance, tax policy and reform, and budget and financial management. Additionally, it provides premier executive education classes in public finance for state and local finance officials in Georgia and nationwide. CSLF also works withgovernmental, non-profit, and for-profit groups to conduct fiscal and economic impact studies, forecast revenues and expenditures, and assist with local and state tax policy and reform efforts. CSLF supports several graduate students pursuing their degrees in public management and policy or economics through its fellowship and graduate research assistantships.

Experimental Economics Center

14 Marietta St. N.W., 4th Floor

The Experimental Economics Center (ExCEN) supports research, teaching, and policy applicationsinvolving controlled experiments with human decision-makers. Its central objective is to promote the development and application of economics and related academic disciplines as empirical social science.Research conducted by center faculty covers many topics: theoretical modeling and laboratory experiments with trust, reciprocity, and altruism; small- and large-stakes risk aversion; public goods and common pool resources; centipede games vs. Dutch auctions; risk perception; technology adoption; time preferences; gambling disorders; health seeking behavior in less developed countries; ambiguity attitudes; insurance demand; financial risk management of poor working households; tax compliance, tax liability and tax incidence; congestion pricing in transportation; and charitable contributions. Collaborative research with surgeons is in progress on improving hospital discharge decision-making and analysis of decision-making.Research and teaching support facilities developed and maintained by ExCEN include the AYSPSexperimental economics laboratory, a mobile laboratory and EconPort (www.econport.org), an economics digital library and virtual laboratory containing Internet software for experiments.

Fiscal Research Center

14 Marietta St. N.W., 4th Floor

Established in 1995, the Fiscal Research Center (FRC) provides nonpartisan research, technical assistance and education in the evaluation and design of state tax and economic policy. It leverages the Andrew Young School’s expertise in public finance to assist Georgia’s policymakers on questions of tax and economic policy. FRC’s responsibilities include developing estimates for tax-related fiscal notes for the state of Georgia, writing the Georgia State Tax Expenditure Budget, supporting the state economist, andconducting policy and academic research on a variety of topics associated with state tax policy issues. FRC also maintains a data warehouse of domestic data sources that are used by FRC staff, Andrew YoungSchool faculty and students, and external organizations. FRC supports several graduate researchassistantships for students pursuing their degrees in public management and policy or economics.

The Georgia Health Policy Center

55 Park Place, N.E., 8th Floor

The Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) integrates research, policy and programs to advance health andwell-being. GHPC works locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally to connect decision makers with the evidence-based research and guidance needed to make informed decisions about health policy andprogramming. The center focuses on the most complex health care issues today including: behavioralhealth, children’s health and well-being, community health systems development, health and health carefinancing, health in all policies, health system transformation, long-term services and supports, population health, and rural health. GHPC offers a wide range of services to public and private clients, including research and evaluation, technical assistance, policy and economic analysis, meeting design and facilitation, strategic planning, workforce development, grants management, and organizational and backbone support. The center has worked in more than 1,500 communities in all 50 states to achieve health improvement.

Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange

P.O. Box 3992, Atlanta, GA 30302-3992

The Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) was established in 1992. Its mission is to enhance law enforcement executive development and international cooperation for the provision of better law enforcement services and public safety through the protection of civil rights. GILEE’s focus has been on anti-terrorism training; initially to protect the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games and later to improve preparedness for terror threats. Following the 9-11 atrocity, GILEE focuses on enhancing homeland security efforts through international cooperation and training programs. GILEE operates on the principle of providing peer-to-peer professional training through the introduction of best practices and sources of excellence in order to enhance agency capabilities to better deal with threats to public safety and improve security. GILEE offers executive law enforcement training programs and special briefings in and for more than 25 states and more than 25 countries.

Georgia Policy Labs

14 Marietta St. N.W., 5th Floor

The Georgia Policy Labs (GPL) is a collaboration between Georgia State University researchers and a variety of government agencies to promote evidence-based policy development and implementation. Housed in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, GPL works to create an environment where policymakers have the information and tools available to improve the effectiveness of existing government policies and programs, try out new ideas for addressing pressing issues, and decide what new initiatives are promising enough to scale up. The ultimate goal is to help government entities more effectively use scarce resources and make a positive difference in people’s lives. GPL contains three labs: The Metro Atlanta Policy Lab for Education works to improve K-12 educational outcomes in metro Atlanta; the Career & Technical Education Policy Exchange focuses on high-school-based career and technical education in multiple U.S. states; and the Child & Family Policy Lab works with state agencies to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and families.

International Center for Public Policy

14 Marietta St. N.W., 5th Floor

Mission: “To expand knowledge, instill optimal practice and build capacity in the public sector around the world to improve human well-being through better public policy.”

The International Center for Public Policy (ICePP) is an interdisciplinary public policy research center that engages faculty members from within the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (AYSPS) and other departments at Georgia State University who pursue this mission through internationally oriented research, academic programs and technical assistance, and training activities for developing countries. The core expertise of the center lies in its economics and fiscal policy analysis. It serves a diverse client base that includes multilateral donor agencies (e.g. USAID, World Bank, UNDP, ADB, etc.), foreign ministries, government organizations, legislative bodies and private institutions.

ICePP brings together the strengths of cutting-edge technical expertise, extensive real-world policy experience and solid project management capabilities. ICePP faculty have extensive experience in resolving real-world policy challenges, with combined work experience in over 70 developing and transition economies around the world. At the same time, ICePP’s international technical assistance and training efforts uniquely complement the academic research and the educational mission of the Andrew Young School. The exposure to international policy challenges that ICePP brings to the school and its interaction with government leaders and policy-makers from around the world enriches the school’s academic environment and deepens its commitment to resolving international policy challenges.

ICePP has built a strong visiting scholars program and has hosted over 40 scholars since 2007. In addition to the various books, peer reviewed journal articles and policy reports generated by its faculty and research associates, ICePP publishes a working paper series and occasional papers that include research from GSU faculty, research associates, graduate students and external professors, policy-makers and government officials that have participated in ICePP research activities.

Nonprofit Studies Program

14 Marietta St. N.W., 3rd Floor

The Nonprofit Studies Program (NSP) was organized in 2001 to foster collaborative research on the nonprofit sector within the academic community, to promote policy research that is relevant in today’s political and economic environment, to educate nonprofit managers and leaders, and to serve as a link between scholars and nonprofit practitioners in creating and disseminating knowledge about the sector. The program involves educational, research and service activities focused on helping nonprofit organizations address their social missions effectively through problem-solving, policy advocacy and effective deployment of their resources. The program is interdisciplinary, and has special strengths in economic analysis, resource development and management, and policy analysis applied to the concerns of nonprofit organizations. It includes over 30 core and associated faculty from the Andrew Young School, other schools and colleges of Georgia State University and other universities.

Usery Workplace Research Group

55 Park Place, 6th Floor

The W.J. Usery Workplace Research Group (UWRG) includes scholars at the Andrew Young School conducting research on the economics of the workplace, labor markets, education, health and related areas. Activities include the annual Usery Distinguished Lecture Series, which brings the nation’s leading labor economists to the Andrew Young School. Research by UWRG faculty are circulated widely through the Usery Workplace Research Group Paper Series. UWRG sponsors Andrew Young School seminar speakers, plus various research activities and occasional research conferences on and off campus. UWRG activities are coordinated and financed through the W.J. Usery Chair of the American Workplace.

Academic Regulations

Grades of C in Major/Minor/Concentration

Georgia State University undergraduate students must achieve an overall institutional grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 to receive a bachelor’s degree from the university. Grades of C- can be used to satisfy graduation requirements in Area G through J. However, some courses have prerequisites that require a grade of C or higher (see 1460 GPA Requirement  for additional information).

Transient Status at Other Institutions

Students enrolled in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies who wish to take course work in transient status at another institution, whether as a full-time or part-time student, must have prior written approval from the Office of Academic Assistance if they wish to apply the credit to a degree program. A transient petition form should be submitted prior to registration.

Directed Readings

Directed Readings courses in the various undergraduate programs are intended to allow students of proven performance to do independent study in a specific subject area. Enrollment in a directed readings course requires prior consent of the instructor. A maximum of one directed readings course may count toward fulfillment of degree requirements, and the course may not be substituted for a core course requirement. The subject of the independent study will be determined in consultation with the faculty member responsible for supervising the independent work. A faculty member may seek the assessment of a second faculty reader on any directed readings paper. Letter grades, rather than grades of S or U (satisfactory or unsatisfactory), will be assigned for all directed readings courses.

Modification of Degree Requirements

Students may petition for modifications of the degree requirements of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. Degree modification petitions are granted only in the case of extenuating circumstances and only when an educationally acceptable substitution is proposed. Petition forms and information are available online at the following link: aysps.gsu.edu/oaa/student-forms.

Under certain conditions, an undergraduate or postbaccalaureate student may be admitted into a graduate course. To be eligible, an undergraduate student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and be within 18 semester hours of graduation; a postbaccalaureate student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher in his or her undergraduate work as well as any graduate work taken at this or any other institution. Information is available at the following link: aysps.gsu.edu/oaa/student-forms.

Eligibility does not guarantee admission into a course. The interested student must apply through the Office of Academic Assistance for special graduate student status. Approval of that status requires the concurrence of the student’s academic advisor and the director of the Office of Academic Assistance. Once the status has been approved, the student is permitted to enroll in a graduate course only with the permission of the instructor and the chair of the department in which the course is taught.

Awards and Honors

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies recognizes the academic achievements and service of its students each spring semester at an Honors Day ceremony. A number of awards and honors are presented annually to outstanding undergraduate students, including the Judge Andrew A. Mickle Scholarship, Outstanding Instructor Award, the Outstanding Criminal Justice Agency Award, the Undergraduate Academic Achievement Award, the Graduate Academic Achievement Award, the Criminal Justice And Criminology Graduate Research Award, the AYS Excellence In Teaching Criminal Justice Award, the Economics Award, the Economics Student Achievement Award, the Excellence in Microeconomics Award, the IEML Award, the Mark E. Schaefer M.A. in Economics Award, the Best Third-Year Paper Award, the Quantitative Economics Award, the Theodore C. Boyden Excellence in Teaching Economics Award, the AYS Excellence in Teaching Economics Award, the Research Excellence in Economics Award, the Williams R. Gable Award, the Diane Caves Award, the Governor Joe Frank Harris Award, the Dan Sweat Award, the Best Research Paper Award, the Master of Public Administration/Juris Doctor Achievement Award, the Public Administration Academic Achievement Award, the Public Policy Academic Achievement Award, the Outstanding Intern Award, the Public Management and Policy Student Leadership Award, the AYS Excellence in Teaching Policy Award, the Outstanding Doctoral Student In Public Policy Award, the Graduate Excellence in Scholarship Award, the Undergraduate Excellence in Scholarship Award, the Social Work Recognition Award, the Community Leadership in Social Work Award, the Diane B. Davis Award, the Wanda K. Cardwell Award, the Outstanding M.S.W. Student Award, the Outstanding Part-time M.S.W. Student Award, Field Placement Awards, and the Social Justice Award.

College-level Degree Requirements

All undergraduate programs offered by the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies are designed to comply with the University System of Georgia core curriculum requirements. The program requirements for Undergraduate Core Curriculum Areas A through E are listed in the “1410 Core Curriculum Requirements - Bachelor’s Level ” chapter of this catalog.

Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals

The appeals procedure for students in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies will follow different courses depending on the nature of the student’s appeal. Please refer to University Information Section under Polices and Disclosures in this catalog or visit deanofstudents.gsu.edu/student-assistance/student-complaints-petitions/ online for details.

Student Organizations

Alpha Phi Sigma

The purposes of Alpha Phi Sigma shall be to recognize and promote high scholarship among students actively engaged in college study in the Criminal Justice area, to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research, to elevate the ethical standards of the Criminal Justice professions, and to establish in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training. To learn more about Alpha Phi Sigma contact Dr. Leah Daigle at ldaigle@gsu.edu. National website: www.alphaphisigma.org/.

Andrew Young Circle of Enterprising Scholars (AYCES)

AYCES is a brand new student club. The purpose of AYCES is to strengthen student relationships and develop professional skills while fostering a long term professional community within the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. AYCES is open to any undergraduate or graduate student that AYSPS. To learn more, contact AYS Career Services and Alumni Relations (404-413-0069).

Social Work Club at Georgia State University

The purpose of the Social Work Club at Georgia State University is to serve as a link between current social work students, prospective social work majors, faculty, and administration. The Social Work Club upholds the core values of the profession: service, social justice, dignity, and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence while supporting the development of social, academic, and cultural awareness among undergraduate social work students. The Social Work club is also a community organization extending services beyond the limits of Georgia State, by providing needed services to groups within the University and the larger community. Visit their website for more information: socialwork.gsu.edu/student-engagement/bsw-social-work-club or www.instagram.com/swcgsu or gsu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/social-work-club-at-georgia-state-university.

Criminal Justice Student Association

The Criminal Justice Student Association (CJSA) is an organization open to all GSU students, regardless of their major, and especially to those who are interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice and related fields. It is our mission to advance the knowledge and understanding of crime and justice, as well as to facilitate networking and career building activities, in order to create a more cohesive and professional student criminal justice community. We seek to provide forums that focus on the interaction between students, faculty, program alumni, and professionals employed in the wide field of criminal justice, and members of the broader community. We are committed to developing networks with future criminal justice employers, the Georgia State Student Government Association, and faculty members in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. Membership brings students and the community together to promote awareness of criminal justice issues in society. Being a member of the CJSA is a great way to get involved on campus and in the Atlanta community, to help develop team building and leadership skills, and to meet other individuals interested in criminal justice issues. For more information, follow us on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cjsagsu18 and visit our website at: aysps.gsu.edu/criminal-justice-crimonology/criminal-justice-student-association and like us on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/gsucjsa/.

The Economics Club

The aim of this chartered organization is to promote knowledge of economics on campus and in the community through its activities, and provide a forum where students with similar interests can meet, share ideas, socialize, and enhance their knowledge. Membership is open to all students interested in economics, regardless of their major. The club’s many activities include a guest speaker series that brings noted economists and business leaders to the campus, seminars focusing on career information, and social events. For more information, contact the Department of Economics, 404-413-0141 or visit the Economics Club website: aysps.gsu.edu/economics/economics-club/.

Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Club (NLA)

The Department of Public Management and Policy in the Andrew Young School is affiliated with the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, a national alliance of colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations dedicated to strengthening the leadership of the social sector and sustaining the ability of nonprofits to fulfill their mission with a talented and prepared workforce. As a student organization, NLA focuses on professional leadership development, fundraising, community engagement, and career networking within the local and national nonprofit community. While optional, students are strongly encouraged to pursue NLA’s Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) status by meeting the NLA national office’s requirements.

This organization is open to all Georgia State majors(undergraduate and graduate) who are interested in working and/or volunteering in a nonprofit environment. For more information about meeting times and a calendar of events, please visit their website at https://nsp.gsu.edu/nonprofit-leadership-alliance/ .

Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society

Students within the School of Social Work are eligible for induction into the Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work. The Georgia State School of Social Work Chapter is Omicron Gamma, and was chartered in November 2007. Undergraduate membership requirements include being a social work major, achieving sophomore status, completing 8 semester hours of required social work course, and achieving an overall 3.0 GPA and a 3.25 social work GPA. Membership meetings are held twice yearly; once in the Fall and again in the Spring semesters. For more information please visit their website at: socialwork.gsu.edu/phi-alpha-honor-society/.

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, Pre-Law Chapter

Description: The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service. PIN link: https://pin.gsu.edu/organization/phi-alpha-delta-law-fraternity

Urban Studies Society

The purpose of the Urban Studies Society (“The Society”) is to explore all things urban. The Society will provide social, intellectual and professional activities for student development outside of the classroom. Additionally, the society is a platform encourage graduate-level research and to facilitate student-body concerns. The Society is open to all Georgia State majors (graduate and undergraduate) who are interested in urban cities. For more information, please email urbanstudiessocietygsu@gmail.com

Academic Departments and Faculty

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies is composed of five academic departments: Criminal Justice and Criminology, Economics, Public Management and Policy, the School of Social Work, and the Urban Studies Institute.

  • Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Public Management and Policy
  • School of Social Work
  • Urban Studies Institute

Graduate Programs in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies offers advanced studies and research leading to the following degree programs:

The Graduate Certificate in:

  • Nonprofit Management & Social Enterprise
  • Planning and Economic Development

The Master of Science in Criminal Justice

The Master of Arts in Economics

The Master of Arts in Economics, Policy Track

The Master of Interdisciplinary Studies - Criminal Justice Administration

The Master of Interdisciplinary Studies - Urban Studies

The Master of Public Administration with concentrations in:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Management and Finance
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Policy Analysis and Evaluation
  • Public Health Management
  • Urban Planning and Economic Development

The Master of Public Administration/Juris Doctor

The Master of Public Policy with concentrations in:

  • Education Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Global Affairs
  • Health Policy
  • Nonprofit Policy
  • Public Finance Policy
  • Social Policy
  • Urban Planning and Policy

The Master of Social Work

  • Community Partnership

The Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The Doctor of Philosophy in Economics with elective fields in:

  • Environmental Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Public Finance
  • Urban and Regional Economics

The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy with elective fields in:

  • Public Finance and Budgeting
  • Public and Nonprofit Management
  • Policy Design, Analysis and Evaluation
  • Urban and Regional Planning and Development

The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy joint degree program with the Georgia Institute of Technology with elective fields in:

  • Environmental Policy
  • Health Policy
  • Policy Design, Analysis and Evaluation
  • Public and Nonprofit Management
  • Public Finance
  • Science and Technology Policy
  • Urban and Regional Economic Development

The Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Studies