2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Computer Science
7th floor, 25 Park Place Building
Yi Pan, Chair
Xiaolin Hu, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Computer science is the systematic exploration of all aspects of computation. Computer science as a discipline seeks to build a scientific foundation for topics such as computer design, computer programming and software, information processing, algorithmic solutions to problems, and the algorithmic process itself. Computer science provides underpinnings for today’s applications in industry, science, government, and business and prepares the foundation for tomorrow’s applications in ubiquitous computing, medical cures for diseases, and instant access to information by everyone.
The B.S. degree program in computer science provides preparation in the fundamental principles and processes of computation and training in applying these principles in application areas in industry, science, government, and business. The student completes a basic group of required courses in the early stages and chooses courses from several concentrations in the later stages to provide for appropriate breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline.
A B.S. degree in computer science provides a good foundation for advanced studies at the M.S. or Ph.D. level as well as for careers in industry, science, government, and business. To plan the major according to particular goals, students are encouraged to consult with an adviser in the department. Majors who are interested in having a paid work experience related to their area of study should contact the university’s Office of Cooperative Education, which coordinates the university’s cooperative education programs.
The courses are structured, and the department enforces the prerequisites for its courses. Students are urged to check and take the prerequisites for computer science courses and any computer science requirement as listed by their major department/school/institute. Refer any questions to that major department/school/institute or to the Department of Computer Science.
Academic Advisement for Undergraduate Students
Academic advisement for undergraduate students is provided through the University Advisement Center (freshman through junior status/fewer than 90 hours) and the college’s Office of Academic Assistance (senior status/90 or more hours). See Office of Academic Assistance for additional information.
Program Academic Regulations
A minimum grade of C is required in all mathematics, physics, and computer science courses and all 3000-level or above courses that are used to fulfill the undergraduate programs of this department.
As part of the core curriculum, students must receive credit for the two calculus courses: MATH 2211 and MATH 2212 . (When counting the number of semester hours in Areas A, D, and F, only 3 of the 4 credit hours of each calculus course will be counted in Area A and/or D. The fourth hour, or the “rollover hour,” will be counted in Area F.)
Prerequisites and co-requisites are strictly enforced in all computer science courses.
Program Degree Requirements
In addition to the Program Degree Requirements, students must fulfill the College of Arts and Sciences Degree Requirements (see College Degree Requirements ) and the University Degree Requirements (see 1400 University Degree Requirements and Graduation ).
University Grade-Point Average and Grade Requirements
Georgia State University undergraduate students must achieve an overall institutional grade-point average
of 2.0 and a major GPA of 2.0 in Areas G and H to receive a bachelor’s degree from the university. Grades
of C- can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. However, some courses have prerequisites that
require a grade of C or higher. (See section 1460 for additional information.)
Cooperative Education and Internship Programs
The department participates in the University’s Cooperative Education program, in which students rotate between being a full-time student and working in paid, full-time professional positions. Details are available on the department’s website. The department also encourages students to seek out relevant internships to enhance their preparation for careers related to Computer Science. We offer elective credit, to count towards Area H requirements, subject to department approval.
Graduation with Distinction in the Major
This unit offers undergraduate students with the opportunity to earn the designation of graduation with distinction in the major. Please contact the undergraduate director for the specific criteria for this honor.
ProgramsBachelor’sCertificateDual DegreeMinorCoursesComputer ScienceData Science