Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

2000 Andrew Young School of Policy Studies

Undergraduate programs in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies are described in detail in this chapter. See subsections for specific program information as well as policies and procedures.

2010 General Information

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies strengthens communities across the globe through policy research, scholarship, public engagement, and the development of leaders. Degree programs in criminal justice and criminology, economics, public policy, public administration, social work, and urban studies prepare students for careers in public service.

The school is committed to quality education, offering a variety of academic undergraduate and graduate degree programs as well as nondegree training programs. It engages in basic and applied research and outreach addressed to the ongoing management of policies and programs, as well as effective delivery of human welfare services. The school houses prestigious research centers focusing on the practical needs of governmental, nonprofit, and private-sector organizations in Atlanta, the state of Georgia, and the broader national and global communities.

Office of the Dean

55 Park Place N.E., 9th Floor

Thomas J. Vicino, Dean
Jan Ivery, Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
David Ribar, Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs


The Master of Public Administration degree is accredited by The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. The School of Social Work is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

Degrees Offered

Undergraduate and graduate degree programs are offered through the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Department of Economics, Department of Public Management and Policy, the School of Social Work, and the Urban Studies Institute. Graduate degree programs are listed at the end of this section. The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies offers the following undergraduate programs of study:

Bachelor of Arts

  • Major in Economics
  • Major in International Economics and Modern Languages
    • Concentrations in: Chinese Language and Society, French, German, Korean, and Spanish

Note: The J. Mack Robinson College of Business offers the B.B.A. degree with a major in Business Economics. (See the 7000 J. Mack Robinson College of Business  chapter of this catalog for program curriculum.)

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Concentration in Social Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Science

  • Major in Criminal Justice
    • Crime and Justice Concentration
    • Legal Studies Concentration
  • Major in Economics
  • Major in Public Policy

Bachelor of Social Work

2010.10 Academic Resources and Services

Academic Assistance

55 Park Place N.E., 2nd Floor

The Office of Academic Assistance (OAA) supports the school’s commitment to quality education in the field of policy studies by advising seniors and coordinating the recruitment, admission and advising of graduate students. The OAA also serves as the administrative and regulatory office for student programs within the Dean’s Office of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.

Academic Advisement is required of all students in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. The school has developed a system of advisement that integrates the Office of Academic Assistance and faculty advisors within the school. Through the advisement process, students learn to identify and use university resources effectively to: satisfy degree requirements; plan programs of study; discover how interests, skills and goals connect to fields of study and careers. In person and virtual advisement appointment dates and times can be found at the AYS OAA site aysps.gsu.edu/oaa/.

AYSPS Career Services & Alumni Relations

55 Park Place N.E., 2nd Floor

The Andrew Young School provides career support & leadership development services to all AYSPS current students and alumni. Students are invited to attend career events and workshops as well as meet one-on-one a career coach to discuss individual career questions. Career Services can help with the career exploration and search process, resume writing, interviewing skills, developing a LinkedIn profile, navigating the job or internship search process, and networking. To see a listing of current career events, please visit: career.aysps.gsu.edu/calendar. The Career Services Office also supports all AYSPS student clubs and organizations. Take a look at the range of groups available within the college, and consider getting involved: career.aysps.gsu.edu/organizations/. Make the most of your education by utilizing these great resources. 

2020 Academic Regulations

2020.05 Grades of C in Major/Minor/Concentration

Georgia State University undergraduate students must achieve an overall institutional grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 and a major GPA of 2.0 to receive a bachelor’s degree from the university. Grades of C- can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. However, some courses have prerequisites that require a grade of C or higher (see 1460 GPA Requirement  for additional information).

2020.10 Transient Status at Other Institutions

Students enrolled in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies who wish to take course work in transient status at another institution, whether as a full-time or part-time student, must have prior written approval from the Office of Academic Assistance if they wish to apply the credit to a degree program. A transient petition form should be submitted prior to registration.

2020.20 Directed Readings

Directed Readings courses in the various undergraduate programs are intended to allow students of proven performance to do independent study in a specific subject area. Enrollment in a directed readings course requires prior consent of the instructor. A maximum of one directed readings course may count toward fulfillment of degree requirements, and the course may not be substituted for a core course requirement. The subject of the independent study will be determined in consultation with the faculty member responsible for supervising the independent work. A faculty member may seek the assessment of a second faculty reader on any directed readings paper. Letter grades, rather than grades of S or U (satisfactory or unsatisfactory), will be assigned for all directed readings courses.

2020.30 Modification of Degree Requirements

Students may petition for modifications of the degree requirements of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. Degree modification petitions are granted only in the case of extenuating circumstances and only when an educationally acceptable substitution is proposed. Petition forms and information are available online at the following link: aysps.gsu.edu/oaa/student-forms.

Under certain conditions, an undergraduate or postbaccalaureate student may be admitted into a graduate course. To be eligible, an undergraduate student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and be within 18 semester hours of graduation; a postbaccalaureate student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher in his or her undergraduate work as well as any graduate work taken at this or any other institution. Information is available at the following link: aysps.gsu.edu/oaa/student-forms.

Eligibility does not guarantee admission into a course. The interested student must apply through the Office of Academic Assistance for special graduate student status. Approval of that status requires the concurrence of the student’s academic advisor and the director of the Office of Academic Assistance. Once the status has been approved, the student is permitted to enroll in a graduate course only with the permission of the instructor and the chair of the department in which the course is taught.

2020.50 Awards and Honors

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies recognizes the academic achievements and service of its students each spring semester at an Honors Day ceremony. A number of awards and honors are presented annually to outstanding undergraduate students, including the Judge Andrew A. Mickle Scholarship, Outstanding Instructor Award, the Outstanding Criminal Justice Agency Award, the Undergraduate Academic Achievement Award, the Graduate Academic Achievement Award, the Criminal Justice And Criminology Graduate Research Award, the AYS Excellence In Teaching Criminal Justice Award, the Economics Award, the Economics Student Achievement Award, the Excellence in Microeconomics Award, the IEML Award, the Mark E. Schaefer M.A. in Economics Award, the Best Third-Year Paper Award, the Quantitative Economics Award, the Theodore C. Boyden Excellence in Teaching Economics Award, the AYS Excellence in Teaching Economics Award, the Research Excellence in Economics Award, the Williams R. Gable Award, the Diane Caves Award, the Governor Joe Frank Harris Award, the Dan Sweat Award, the Best Research Paper Award, the Master of Public Administration/Juris Doctor Achievement Award, the Public Administration Academic Achievement Award, the Public Policy Academic Achievement Award, the Outstanding Intern Award, the Public Management and Policy Student Leadership Award, the AYS Excellence in Teaching Policy Award, the Outstanding Doctoral Student In Public Policy Award, the Graduate Excellence in Scholarship Award, the Undergraduate Excellence in Scholarship Award, the Social Work Recognition Award, the Community Leadership in Social Work Award, the Diane B. Davis Award, the Wanda K. Cardwell Award, the Outstanding M.S.W. Student Award, the Outstanding Part-time M.S.W. Student Award, Field Placement Awards, and the Social Justice Award.

2030 College-level Degree Requirements

All undergraduate programs offered by the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies are designed to comply with the University System of Georgia Core IMPACTS requirements. The program requirements for Undergraduate Core IMPACTS are listed in the “Core Curriculum Requirements ” chapter of this catalog.

2050 Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals

The appeals procedure for students in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies will follow different courses depending on the nature of the student’s appeal. Please refer to University Information Section under 1050 Policies and Disclosures   in this catalog or visit deanofstudents.gsu.edu/student-assistance/student-complaints-petitions/ online for details.

2060 Student Organizations

Student organizations within the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and GSU can be found at: https://aysps.gsu.edu/organizations/ as well as: https://engagement.gsu.edu/get-involved/student-organizations/.

2070 Academic Departments and Faculty

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies is composed of five academic departments:

2105 Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology  

55 Park Place N.E., 5th Floor

Leah Daigle, Chair
Mark D. Reed, Undergraduate Program Coordinator

Prefix: CRJU

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in criminal justice provides a broad range of study into the criminal justice and legal fields. In particular, the program offers two separate curriculum concentrations: 1) the crime and justice concentration and 2) the legal studies concentration. Course offerings in each concentration along with the completion of their internship experience, prepare students for their professional career in criminal justice or law. The bachelor’s degree program complies with the core curriculum requirements of the University System of Georgia and is provided in an in-person and online format.  The department also offers two minors, including a minor in Criminal Justice and a minor in Digital Criminology.  While both minors are geared toward non-CJ majors, the Digital Criminology minor is also available to our criminal justice majors who want to augment their coursework associated with their chosen area of concentration and internship experience. The online Master’s of Interdisciplinary Studies degree in Criminal Justice Administration (M.I.S. CJA) blends courses in criminal justice and criminology with managerial principles and practices in public management.  The Master of Science (M.S.) degree in criminal justice represents a broad range of study designed to meet the academic needs of students seeking further graduate education, pre-professional students, and those already employed in the wide array of agencies that make up the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree program in criminal justice and criminology provides additional in-depth training in criminological theory, as well as advanced statistics and research methodology. The Ph.D. program prepares students for careers in research, teaching, management, and community service.

In each degree program, the focus of study includes the justice system as well as the nature, causes, and control of criminal behavior. The requirements of degree programs in this department stress an integrated view of the criminal justice system. In this view, all components of the system interrelate with all other components to provide coordinated justice administration. The curriculum is designed to give students an understanding of the developing theoretical knowledge base in this area of study, while simultaneously providing an understanding of how each of the component parts relates in forming the justice system, and how offenders and victims fit within it.

In addition, students learn how the justice system influences, and is influenced by other institutions in society. An adequately functioning criminal justice system participates in appropriate structuring of legislation, providing information and education within the system and to the public, crime prevention, psychological counseling, and prisoner rehabilitation. Also included among its many roles is work with juveniles, quantitative and qualitative scholarly research, guidance to probationers and parolees, assistance to citizen groups and crime victims, and many other tasks.

Students’ learning in the classroom is enhanced as members of the faculty bring forth a myriad of expertise in criminal justice and criminology. Currently, faculty research topics include but are not limited to organizational misconduct; sex differences in criminality and criminal justice processing; race, racism, crime and criminal justice; evidence-based policing; public defense systems; domestic violence; sexual harassment; state crime and international criminal law violations; drugs, crime and public policy; cybercrime and security; homicide investigation; homicide co-victimization; police policy and innovations; sexual victimization; the collateral consequences of mass incarceration; legal issues in policing; evaluation research; the disorder-crime nexus; constitutional law; community differences in the nature of crime; social justice leadership; informal social control; juvenile delinquency and youth violence; network analysis; group and delinquency; active offender decision-making; criminal justice reform; and suburban crime and urban violence. Faculty members conduct research drawing on their expertise in a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, thus allowing them to bring not only their topical expertise, but also their methodological experience into the learning environment.

2110 Department of Economics  

55 Park Place N.E., 6th Floor

James Marton, Chair
Shelby Frost, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Prefix: ECON

Georgia State’s Department of Economics, recently ranked number one in Georgia by the Southern Economic Journal, has won national acclaim for its insightful research into practical economic topics. Its concentrations in health, labor, education, urban, environmental, public, and experimental economics are setting new academic standards in programs of study that combine solid research with practical policy education.

Students in our program have access to innovative research resources on campus, including the Experimental Economics Center, the Public Finance Cluster, Georgia Policy Labs, and the Georgia Health Policy Center. Faculty in these centers work closely with local, state, national and international organizations to provide the information needed to address today’s complex policy issues.

A Bachelor’s degree in Economics provides students with the resources to be leaders and innovators, as well as a broad understanding of economic issues. Undergraduate majors may choose from four degree options: the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Economics, which includes a language option and an optional minor field; the Bachelor of Science with a major in Economics, which includes math to the calculus level and an optional minor field; the Bachelor of Arts with a major in International Economics and Modern Languages, which includes intensive study in a language to prepare international professionals; and the Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Business Economics, including course work in business-related topics such as accounting, marketing and finance (the “business core”). A minor in Economics consists of 15 semester hours with at least nine semester hours at the upper level. 

2130 Department of Public Management and Policy  

55 Park Place N.E., 4th Floor

Cathy Yang Liu, Chair
Cynthia Searcy, Undergraduate Program Director
Tammy Greer, BIS in Social Entrepreneurship Program Director

Prefix: PMAP

The Department of Public Management and Policy offers a variety of interdisciplinary degree programs designed to prepare students for life and work in a range of professions in metropolitan areas. At the undergraduate level, the department offers a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in public policy which includes a choice of concentrations in nonprofit leadership, planning and economic development, and public management and governance. Minors are available in nonprofit leadership, planning and economic development, and public policy. All minors require 15 semester hours of credit.  The department also offers a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) in Social Entrepreneurship. The BIS in Social Entrepreneurship prepares students to become agents and leaders of social change who will transform communities through innovative problem solving and business approaches.

2140 School of Social Work  

55 Park Place N.E., 5th Floor

Y. Joon Choi, Director
Qiana Cryer-Coupet, B.S.W. Program Director

Prefix: SW

The B.S.W. program’s mission is to prepare students for generalist social work practice in a range of roles and services that deal with the existing and developing challenges that confront individuals, families, groups, and communities. The goals of the B.S.W. program are to graduate students who will be able to: (1) think critically and communicate effectively in the application of social work knowledge, skills, and values to entry-level generalist practice, and (2) practice as entry-level generalist social workers. The Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) program prepares students for social work leadership roles in the effort to solve, in partnerships with others, the existing and developing challenges that confront communities in the United States and internationally. Community partnerships is the sole specialization of the M.S.W. program. Students in the community partnerships specialization are educated to advance the needs and capacities of the total community by promoting social, economic, and environmental justice and maximizing human potential. They are educated to commit themselves to addressing the life circumstances, such as poverty, violence, discrimination, and disparities in social and economic justice that fall disproportionately on vulnerable groups and challenge the spirit of the entire community. To accomplish the mission of the M.S.W. program, the School of Social Work has set forth these goals: (1) students will be able to think critically and communicate effectively in the application of social work knowledge, skills, and values to community partnerships practice; and (2) students will be able to engage as social work leaders to build and strengthen communities.

2150 Urban Studies Institute  

55 Park Place, 8th Floor

Jan Nijman, Director

Prefix: URB

Institute collaborates with other academic institutions in the Atlanta region and both the public and private sector.  Our research agenda addresses issues by scale (from the body to the global), ranges from urban theory to applied policy analysis; and focuses on comparative urban approaches. Research and teaching in the Institute concentrate on three core thematic areas: (1) economic resilience focuses on questions of urban economic resilience, regional patterns and processes of urbanization, and policies of urban and regional development; (2) inclusive urbanism critically assesses urban inequalities and processes of social marginalization to foster more-inclusive forms of development; and (3) environmental sustainability examines interactions between humans and the environment and to develop solutions to address sustainability challenges. USI also sponsors speaker series events and academic programs.

2160 Graduate Programs in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies

The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies offers advanced studies and research leading to the following degree programs:

The Graduate Certificate in:

  • Nonprofit Management & Social Enterprise
  • Planning and Economic Development
  • Policy Analytics
  • Public Management and Leadership

The Master of Science in Criminal Justice

The Master of Arts in Economics STEM

  • Analytics Track
  • General Economics Track 

The Master of Interdisciplinary Studies - Criminal Justice Administration

The Master of Interdisciplinary Studies - Urban Studies

The Master of Public Administration with concentrations in:

  • Criminal Justice
  • International Affairs
  • Management and Finance
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Policy Analysis and Evaluation
  • Public Health Management
  • Urban Planning and Economic Development

The Master of Public Administration/Juris Doctor

The Master of Public Policy with concentrations in:

  • Education Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Global Affairs
  • Health Policy
  • Nonprofit Policy
  • Policy Analytics
  • Public Finance Policy
  • Social Policy
  • Urban Planning and Policy

The Master of Social Work

  • Community Partnership

The Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The Doctor of Philosophy in Economics with elective fields in:

  • Environmental Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Public Finance
  • Urban and Regional Economics

The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy with elective fields in:

  • Public Finance and Budgeting
  • Public and Nonprofit Management
  • Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation
  • Urban and Regional Planning and Development

The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy joint degree program with the Georgia Institute of Technology with elective fields in:

  • Environmental Policy
  • Health Policy
  • Policy Design and Evaluation
  • Public Finance and Budgeting
  • Public and Nonprofit Management
  • Science and Technology Policy
  • Urban and Regional Economic Development

The Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Studies