Area A1: Written Communication (6 Hours)
Students meeting specific eligibility requirements may take ENGL 1103 Advanced Composition in Area A1. See your academic advisor for additional information.
Students who have earned 30 hours but have not completed Area A1 must enroll in the next course necessary to make progress toward completing this Area in every semester in which they take classes. For students with Learning Support requirements in writing, taking the required Learning Support course(s) counts as making progress toward completing Area A1.
Area A2: Mathematics (3-4 Hours)
Beginning Fall 2019, students may only take MATH 1111 , MATH 1113 , and MATH 2211 twice without special approval. All attempts prior to Fall 2019 will count in the two attempt limit.
If a 4 hour course is selected, the additional hour will be counted in Area F or as an elective (for bachelor’s students).
Students should select mathematics courses that are appropriate for their preferred degree program. Students are strongly advised to consult with an academic advisor before selecting a mathematics course. Specific recommendations may also be listed in the catalog section for the degree program.
Majors in sciences and mathematics programs (i.e., biology, computer science, chemistry, geology A.S., geoscience B.S., mathematics, medical technology, neuroscience, physics, radiologic sciences, and sciences/math education) are required to take either MATH 1113 or MATH 2211 in Area A2. Engineering students are required to take MATH 2211 in Area A2. It is recommended that all other science and mathematics majors listed above take MATH 1113 in Area A2. Special sections of MATH 1113 are available for majors in computer science, mathematics, neuroscience, and physics, as well as for majors in biology, chemistry, geology A.S., geoscience B.S., medical technology, radiologic sciences, and sciences/math education.
Students who have earned 30 hours but have not completed Area A2 must enroll in the next course necessary to make progress toward completing this Area in every semester in which they take classes. For students with Learning Support requirements in mathematics, taking the required Learning Support course counts as making progress toward completing Area A2.
Note: A math placement test is recommended for all students who do not have credit for an Area A math course and is required for students who wish to take MATH 1111 , College Algebra, or higher. See for more information.