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The Department of Learning Sciences offers undergraduate courses to allow individuals from specific areas of healthcare to become teachers at middle and secondary schools based on occupational work experience, industry licensing and assessments, and an Associate’s Degree in a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) eligible healthcare field. Applicants to this program have qualified for the Healthcare Science Induction certificate in Georgia and are required to complete an approved program to convert to the Professional certificate. This GaPSC approved program leads to initial certification only.
Students seeking Healthcare Science Education certification who do not hold an associate’s degree must pass the GACE Program Admission Assessment within three (3) years of program admission or prior to program completion, whichever occurs first. All students must take Georgia Educator Ethics - Program Entry (350) Assessment for program admission and pass the Georgia Educator Ethics - Program Exit (360) Assessment for program completion. Successful completion of the following courses qualifies a person for either a second Induction or Professional certificate, depending upon the current level of certification. Students are admitted through a special application process once a year in summer session; they may take these courses either as non-degree or degree-seeking students. Classes offered in fall and spring may be available in a synchronous online format.
For educator certification, students must earn a grade of “B” or higher in EXC 4020 - Characteristics and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities .