Creative Writing Core Requirements (12 Hours)
A student electing to pursue the B.A. in English, Concentration in Creative Writing must choose a sub-concentration in either Poetry or Fiction and complete the 12-hour/4-class sequence of Creative Writing classes in that sub-concentration.
Creative Writing, Literature, Rhetoric and Composition, Folklore, Pre-Education in English Electives (6 Hours)
Select two 3000-level or 4000-level English or Folklore courses.
When choosing classes from this section, consider how you can use this coursework to increase your professional and/or personal post-graduate options. If your primary interest is writing poetry or fiction, take an additional Creative Writing class or classes (fiction if your sub-concentration is poetry, poetry if your sub-concentration is fiction; Special Topics in Creative Writing (ENGL 4205 ); etc.). If you would like the option of entering the workforce directly after graduation, use these elective hours to prepare for a career as a technical or professional writer by enrolling in ENGL 3110 Technical Writing or ENGL 4510 Grant and Proposal Writing. If you’re considering graduate school in Literature, Creative Writing, or a research-and-writing-focused field (Law, Education, etc.), choose an additional Literature or Folklore class. Editing classes, including ENGL 3140 Editing for Publication and ENGL 4501 Literary Editing and Publishing, can be useful if you’re interested in launching your own magazine or small press, or entering the workforce as an editor. ENGL 4500 Internship offers a variety of experiences useful for both professional and personal growth.