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The Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Endorsement is designed to provide general and special education along with other school-based practitioners with advanced study in positive behavioral interventions and supports. The PBIS endorsement provides foundational skills in the theories that undergird this practice and provides educators with deep and broad knowledge of content, pedagogy, assessment, and implementation science related to Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS). Candidates will apply course assignments in field based settings but this endorsement does not lead to certification.
Nine semester hours of coursework are required for the PBIS endorsement for professionals holding a clear, renewable state license or certificate in an eligible, related field (teaching, service, and/or leadership).
Students must earn a grade of “B” or higher in each course of the endorsement. If the student earns a grade below “B” in a course, s/he must repeat that course. Students will be allowed to repeat a course in this manner one time. Students who fail to earn a grade of “B” or higher after taking the course a second time will be scholastically excluded from this endorsement.