Feb 09, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Media Entrepreneurship, B.I.S.

Return to: 3030.30 Interdisciplinary Studies  

The interdisciplinary major concentration in Media Entrepreneurship prepares students for entry into a changing media environment with an understanding of current business dynamics and opportunities. Students will gain grounding in the skills they need to start their own businesses and to bring innovative and entrepreneurial thinking to traditional media organizations. Throughout the program, students will examine organizational culture, emerging and traditional business models, opportunities and challenges presented by the start-up climate, and will discuss how to leverage digital media tools in an entrepreneurial context.

Degree Requirements

Please refer to the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies College Degree Requirements  of this catalog for academic regulations for this program.

Students must complete coursework in at least three disciplines (defined by course prefixes) in Area G and in at least two disciplines in Area H. Areas G and H should be constructed so that students take courses in distinct disciplines in each area (with some overlap expected); that is, the same prefix should not predominate in both Area G and H.

In addition to the Program Degree Requirements, students must fulfill the College of Arts and Sciences Degree Requirements (see College Degree Requirements ) and the University Degree Requirements (see 1400 University Degree Requirements and Graduation ).

University Grade-Point Average and Grade Requirements

Georgia State University undergraduate students must achieve an overall institutional grade-point average of 2.0 and a major GPA of 2.0 in Areas G and H to receive a bachelor’s degree from the university. Grades of C- can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. However, some courses have prerequisites that require a grade of C or higher. (See 1460 GPA Requirement  for additional information.)

Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Major (18 Hours)

Many of the courses listed above are required prerequisites for Media Entrepreneurship BIS courses in Area G and H. Students should select Area F courses in consultation with a BIS advisor.

  • World language at the 1002 level or above 3 Hours

Area G: Area of Concentration (27-33 Hours)

Students must complete coursework in at least three disciplines (defined by course prefixes) in Area G.
Select one course to fulfill the Critical Thinking Through Writing (CTW) requirement

Area H Allied Field (15-21 Hours)

Students must complete coursework in at least two disciplines (defined by course prefixes) in Area H.

All courses taken in Area H must be approved by the faculty program coordinator. Courses cannot count in both Area G and Area H.