Mar 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Health and Physical Education, B.S.E.

Return to: 4150 Department of Kinesiology and Health  

Additional Teacher Education information is found in section 1600 Educator Preparation .

The B.S.E. major in Health and Physical Education has two concentrations. The first prepares graduates to teach integrated programs of health and physical education teacher certification (TC) for pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. The second prepares sport coaches (sport coaching) to work in community sport and movement settings from early childhood through later adulthood. Areas of emphasis across the two concentrations include movement skill development and analysis, personal health and wellness, pedagogical-disciplinary study, contemporary curriculum, instructional skills and models, sport coaching and development of athletes, and direct field experiences. Both concentrations feature a field-based approach.

Program Admission

Students are required to meet all university and college admission requirements. In addition, students must apply to the HPE program prior to beginning the Major Courses for the program.

To be accepted into the B.S.E. Health and Physical Education program, students must:

  • Have a 2.50 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed;
  • Successfully complete Core IMPACTS  and Field of Study courses, as listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. This includes completion of the Communication in Writing and Mathematics & Quantitative Skills sections of Core IMPACTS  with a “C” or better and Field of Study courses appropriate to the major with a grade of “C-” or better;
  • Demonstrate competence in oral communication. Screening takes place in all education courses (see catalog for more details);
  • Complete an interview and provide an acceptable writing sample.

Students in the teacher certification concentration must:

  • Complete the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360);
  • Provide proof of tort liability;
  • Apply for a Pre-Service Certificate, which includes a background check (once accepted into the program).

Students in the sport coaching concentration must:

  • Provide proof of tort liability;
  • Pass a criminal background check.

Program Financial Information

B.S.E. majors must pay all tuition and fees charged by the university and the college. A lab fee of $125 will be charged at the time students register for the student teaching/internship experience. Students must be aware that extra cost such as fees for tort liability, criminal background check, and transportation will be incurred at various times during the completion of various field experiences, particularly during the students’ senior year. 

Program Academic Regulations

Program of Study for the teacher certification concentration: students must complete 42 semester hours required for undergraduate Core IMPACTS . Courses in the Communication in Writing and Mathematics & Quantitative Skills sections must be completed with “C” or higher grades.  A grade of “C-” or higher is required in Field of Study courses.  A grade of “C+” is required for KH 3410 and KH 3420. Students who do not receive a grade of “C+” or better may repeat the course once.  If a student fails to earn a “C+” the second time, then the student is administratively removed from the teacher certification concentration.  A grade of “B-” is required for the following courses: KH 4510, KH 4520, KH 4530, and KH 4540. Students who do not receive a grade of “B-” or better may repeat the course once. If a student fails to earn a “B-” the second time, then the student is administratively removed from the teacher certification concentration. A grade of “B” in KH 4710 and KH 4720 is required for recommendation for certification.  Students who do not receive a grade of “B” or better may repeat the course once.  If a student fails to earn a “B” the second time, he or she will not be allowed to enroll in the course again and will not be recommended for certification.

Entry into the program does not guarantee continuation in the program, graduation from the program and/or recommendation for certification even if all requirements have been met. Students may graduate from the program with a “B-“, “C+”, “C”, or “C-”  without recommendation for certification even if the certification test has been passed.

Pre-Service Certificate (for teacher certification concentration only): Upon admission to a teacher education program, students will be contacted by the Office of Field Placements and Certification with instructions to claim enrollment in their program and submit a GaPSC Pre-Service Certificate Application. The pre-service certificate is required for placement in required field experiences or clinical practice.

Certification (for teacher certification concentration only): Students must post passing scores on the GACE Content Assessment and Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360) in order to be recommended by Georgia State University for clear, renewable certification.

For Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) certification requirements, students must earn a grade of “B” or higher in EXC 4020 Characteristics and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities.

Program of Study for the sport coaching concentration: students must complete 42 semester hours required for undergraduate Core IMPACTS . Courses in the Communication in Writing and Mathematics & Quantitative Skills sections of Core IMPACTS  must be completed with a C grade or higher.  Courses required for the Field of Study section must be completed with a grade of C- or higher. A grade of B is required in KH 4740. Students who do not receive a grade of B or better may repeat the courses once. If a student fails to earn a B or better the second time, he or she will not be permitted to enroll in the course again and will be removed from the program.

Tort Liability: All students must show proof of tort liability insurance prior to admission to taking courses in the methods and curriculum section of the Major Courses listed below then again prior to enrollment in Student Teaching/Internship courses. Students may obtain the appropriate forms through the Office of Field Placement and Certification

Professional Development Plan: Program candidates may be placed on a Professional Development Plan (PDP). The HPE faculty has many options to choose from for determining a PDP for individuals. These options may include but are not limited to retaking courses; taking additional courses; and taking speech or writing workshops. Continuation in the program will depend on demonstrating timely and successful completion of PDP requirements.

As the courses progressively become more field-based, program faculty, cooperating teachers, and school/agency administrators may also recommend that program candidates be placed on a PDP, removed from a course or removed from the program. The HPE program faculty has a personal and professional responsibility to ensure that candidates that enter and graduate from the program exhibit professional behaviors. The HPE faculty is obligated to follow university policy set forth in the following excerpt from the GSU catalog:

The Professional Education Faculty believes that all students who are in field experiences must be personally and psychologically equipped as well as academically prepared. Students may be denied entry to field experiences based on departmental prerequisites or the professional judgment of faculty based on observed performance and behavior. This policy is based on the premise that educators should be part of the evaluation of the students’ ability to function adequately and safely in classrooms and those educators have a right and responsibility to make such judgments prior to placing students in schools. The practicum or student teaching supervisor has the authority to withdraw students from their classroom experience if their performance constitutes a detriment to the children in the class. If such removal is necessary, students will be given an F in each corresponding course. 

Degree Requirements

Core IMPACTS Course Recommendations

Students must complete 42 semester hours required for undergraduate Core IMPACTS . See Section 1410 Core IMPACTS  in the undergraduate catalog. Courses in the Communication in Writing and Mathematics & Quantitative Skills sections must be completed with “C” or higher grades.

Semester hours are shown in parentheses following an entry.

Field of Study: Preparation for the Major (18 Hours)

Students must complete Field of Study coursework with a grade of “C-” or higher prior to admission to teacher education.

Required for Teacher Certification and Sport Coaching concentrations (18):

Major Courses (50 Hours)

Teacher Certification Concentration (50 Hours)

Required Content Courses (26 Hours):

Completion of KH 3010 is required before taking KH 3410 and KH 3420.
Students must have either completed or be registered for KH 3010 in the same semester as KH 3200.
Completion of KH 3200 is required before taking KH 4510, KH 4520, KH 4530, and KH 4540.
Completion of KH 3200 with a “C+” or higher. 
A minimum grade of “C” is required in the remaining required content courses.
KH 3710 will fulfill the Critical Thinking Through Writing (CTW) requirement.
Required Methods and Curriculum Courses (24 Hours):

Completion of KH 3410, KH 3420, KH 3700 with a grade of “C+” or higher and KH 4510, KH 4520, KH 4530, and KH 4540 with a “B-” or higher is required along with permission from HPE faculty before taking KH 4710 and KH 4720.

For GaPSC certification requirements, students must earn a grade of “B” or higher in EXC 4020.

A minimum grade of “C” is required in the remaining required methods and curriculum courses.

Sport Coaching Concentration (50 Hours)

Required Content Courses (29 Hours):

Students must have either completed or be registered for KH 3010 in the same semester as KH 3200.

KH 3710 will fulfill the Critical Thinking Through Writing (CTW) requirement.

Completion of KH 4280 is required with a “C-” or higher. A minimum grade of “C” is required for the remaining required content courses.

Required Methods and Curriculum Courses (21 Hours):

Completion of KH 4350 is required with a “C-“or higher. A minimum grade of “C” is required for the remaining required methods and curriculum courses.

Internship/Student Teaching (10 Hours)

First Aid and CPR Proficiency: All students must have current certifications in First Aid and CPR (including infant, child, and adult) at the time of application to student teaching or internships. Those certifications must remain current through the end of the Student Teaching/Internship term. Students may demonstrate this proficiency by attaining the appropriate certifications from GSU Recreation Department, American Heart Association, local fire departments or the American Red Cross. Please note: The skills test for first aid and CPR cannot be taken online.

Students must complete Internship or Student Teaching coursework with a grade of “B” or higher for program completion.

Teacher Certification Concentration (10 Hours)

A grade of “B” or higher is required for students in the teacher certification concentration for recommendation for certification.

Sport Coaching Concentration (10 Hours)

Total Program: Minimum of 120 Semester Hours