Oct 26, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

B.S. in Exercise Science/M.S. in Exercise Science

The 4+1 accelerated B.S. and M.S. program in Exercise Science is a unique academic offering that combines undergraduate and graduate studies allowing students to complete both degrees in five years instead of the usual six or more. Undergraduate students accepted into the accelerated program may expect:

  • Cost savings as a result of the reduced time frame (e.g., tuition, fees, living expenses),
  • Career advancement and leadership opportunities as many employers seek candidates with advanced educations,
  • Degree flexibility as the student tailors their accelerated degrees to meet their career goals, more electives become available to them,
  • Research opportunities that expose students to cutting-edge technology and methodologies in the field of Exercise Science.
  • Competitive edge by providing students with advanced skills and knowledge to stand out in a crowded job market.  

Program Admission for B.S. Exercise Science & Accelerated Program

Students interested in the accelerated program must be Exercise Science students pursing the B.S. degree. Admission requirements and the application to the B.S. in Exercise Science program are provided on the College of Education and Human Development undergraduate program admission website at https://education.gsu.edu/admissions/undergraduate/.

Undergraduate students interested in the B.S./M.S. accelerated program should consult with their academic advisor, the Exercise Science undergraduate program director, and the M.S. Exercise Science program director as early as possible, but no later than the first semester of the junior year, to receive specific information about the accelerated program. Eligible students must submit an Accelerated Program Intent Form no later than the end of their junior year (Year 3).  The Accelerated Program Intent Form will be reviewed and approved by the M.S. program director. In addition to this form, a variety of factors including GPA, resume/curriculum vita, a 500-word interest statement, and contact information for two references will be used during the selection process. Limited spaces will be available in the accelerated program and some academically qualified applicants may not receive approval if capacity has been reached. Students are therefore encouraged to consult all relevant faculty/advisors and submit an Intent form as early as possible.

Minimum qualifications for entrance to the accelerated program include:

  • Acceptance into Exercise Science major
  • Completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours, including:
    • All courses in Core IMPACTS  and Field of Study (60 credits)
    • All 3000 level KH courses in Major Courses section (13 credits)
    • KH 4280, 4300, 4350, 4360, and 4630 in Major Courses section (17 credits)
  • Overall minimum 3.0 GPA and minimum 3.2 GPA in KH course work
  • Approved and signed Accelerated Program Intent Form

Successful applicants would enter the program in the fall semester of their senior year. Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the performance expectations as described in the satisfactory academic progress policy (https://sfs.gsu.edu/resources/policies/satisfactory-academic-progress-sap/policy/), including maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA. Continued guidance to students admitted to the accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate Exercise Science program director and the M.S. Exercise Science program director.

Program Admission for M.S. Exercise Science

Entrance to the accelerated B.S./M.S. Exercise Science program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into the accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Intent Form does not constitute admission into the graduate program. 

Admission to the graduate program requires the student to formally apply to the master’s program, which is submitted through Graduate Admissions no later than a semester prior to graduation with the B.S. Exercise Science degree. For more information on how to apply to the graduate program, visit https://education.gsu.edu/admissions/graduate/.

Exercise Science Dual Degree Course Requiremets

Exercise Science Dual Degree studennts should complete the following 12 credits of graduate-level coursework in the Major Courses section for the B.S. in Exercise Science with a grade of C- or better:

  • KH 6280 - Psychology of Physical Activity (3 Credits)
  • KH 7500 - Physiology of Exercise (3 Credits)
  • KH 7510 - Biomechanics (3 Credits)
  • KH Elective - Select one of the following:
    • KH 7770 - Advanced Topics: Neuromuscular Physiology (3 Credits)
    • KH 7771 - Advanced Topics: Cardiovascular Physiology (3 Credits)
    • KH 7772 - Advanced Topics: Bioenergetics (3 Credits)
    • KH 7873 - Biomechanics of Orthopedic Injuries (3 Credits)

Note that no more than 12 graduate course credits or four graduate courses taken as an undergraduate student will be used at the undergraduate or graduate level, depending on the program’s requirements.

For more information:

For more information about the B.S. in Exercise Science curriculum requirements, please visit the College of Education and Human Development section of the Undergraduate Catalog. Questions regarding program admissions to the B.S. in Exercise Science should be directed to the Office of Academic Assistance in the College of Education and Human Development at cehdundergrad@gsu.edu or 404-413-8000.

For more information about the M.S. in Exercise Science curriculum requirements, please visit the College of Education and Human Development section of the Graduate Catalog. Questions regarding program admissions to the M.S. in Exercise Science should be directed to the Office of Graduate Student Services in the College of Education and Human Development at cehdgrad@gsu.edu or 404-413-8000.