Mar 02, 2025  
2022-2023 Employee Handbook 
2022-2023 Employee Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

(600) Staff Development

601 Performance Reviews

Georgia State University has established a system of performance evaluations for all classified, exempt  and non-exempt , employees. These evaluations are used for making decisions regarding transfer , promotion , demotion , retention , supervisory assistance, employee training and development and for consideration in salary determination. All employees are evaluated by the immediate supervisor or department head on an annual basis, no less frequently than in twelve month intervals. At a minimum, the following elements are considered: job knowledge, accuracy and quality, customer service, attendance and punctuality, productivity, supervision required, adaptability, organizational skills, communication skills and interpersonal relations/teamwork. The supervisor or department head is not restricted to the foregoing as criteria for performance evaluation.

Supervisors are strongly encouraged to provide employees in the six-month provisional period  with an informal written evaluation after one month, three months, and five months of employment. Should the supervisor fail to conduct these evaluations, it will be assumed that the work of the employee is satisfactory, unless there is other written documentation to the contrary.

602 Learning and Development (L&D) Programs

The University recognizes that learning and development (L&D) programs improve individual and organizational performance and help the University achieve its overall institutional goals. All Georgia State University employees, including but not limited to managers, supervisors, and staff should work along with their supervisors to make plans to enhance their respective skillsets and prepare for continually evolving responsibilities in their positions. L&D programs attended during work hours must be approved by the supervisor before attending. The supervisor must verify that the employee’s attendance will not adversely affect department services.

Since professional development is part of all employees’ performance expectations, supervisors should plan for and allow release time from work for L&D programs determined to be mutually beneficial for employees and the University. Such release time should be granted to employees in a fair and equitable manner, regardless of experience, educational background, or job title.

Many work-related L&D programs are provided on campus by Organizational Development and Consulting Services (ODCS), Employee Development and Wellness Services (EDWS), the Office of AA/EEO Training and Compliance, and other campus units/departments. L&D programs offered by these units are published in the HR Calendar located in the HR section of the University’s website. Employees may be required to attend training such as Right to Know, Ethics, Title IX, or other training as mandated by the University and/or the Board of Regents. Employees may register for courses online by accessing the Training and Development Registration System (TDRS) or by calling ODCS, EDWS, AA/EEO Training and Compliance, Employee Relations, or the campus unit/department responsible for the L&D program, for further information. ODCS (, EDWS (, AA/EEO Training and Compliance (, and Employee Relations ( also post educational sessions and trainings on their perspective websites.

The Georgia State University Organizational Learning Plan (OLP) is a document that categorizes most of the L&D programs available across campus and is divided into eight categories: Academies, Business Systems & Processes, Compliance, Work/Life Balance & Wellness, Diversity & Inclusion, Lifelong Learning, Executive Roundtable, and Lecture Series. More detailed information on the OLP may be found in the HR section of the University’s website.

ODCS uses a certificate model to deliver most of its L&D programs. The following certificates are available: Office Professional Certificate (OPC), Aspiring Leaders Certificate (ALC), First-Line Supervisors Certificate (FLSC), and Managers Certificate (MC). ODCS continues to deliver certificates with the following in development: Business Managers Certificate (BMC) and Leaders Certificate (LC). ODCS’ long-term goal is to create and deliver a Georgia State University Leadership Academy. More in-depth information on these certificates can be found on the Human Resources’ website. ODCS can also assist departments with coordinating in-house customized L&D opportunities to meet their specific needs.

602.1 Organizational Development (OD) and Change Leadership Services

As a way to provide staff with additional tools and resources to grow capabilities and enhance their ability to be more effective and innovative, the office of Organizational Development and Consulting Services (ODCS) offers the following consulting services:

  • Change Management/Change Leadership
  • Coaching (for improvement, accountability or transition)
  • Customized Individual Development Plans
  • New Leader Transition
  • Retreat and Meeting Facilitation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Workplace Assessments (individual and team)
  • Other consulting services as requested

ODCS works collaboratively with managers and leaders to help them successfully transition from their current state to the desired future state, or new normal. The process for getting to the future state includes, but is not limited to, writing a compelling business case for what needs to change and why, developing a strategic plan, engaging the staff and collaborating with key stakeholders. Additionally, some of the proven solutions used to support organizational changes may involve surveys, focus groups, brainstorming, nominal group technique (NGT), individual and team assessments, development of guiding principles and process improvements.

603 Auditing Courses at Georgia State (Non-Credit Courses)

603.1 Eligibility for Auditing Courses at Georgia State (Non-Credit Courses)

A full-time employee may audit classes without paying the usual tuition and fees. This benefit is contingent upon approval by the course instructor. Employees who are students seeking a degree program are NOT eligible to audit classes without paying applicable charges.

603.2 Approvals for Auditing Courses

In most circumstances, courses should be taken outside of normally scheduled working hours. However, if the course is not offered at that time and the employee wishes to take the course during working hours, the employee must have the approval of his or her supervisor. The supervisor must verify that the employee’s attendance in class will not adversely affect department services. The employee will be expected to take vacation or make up any time spent in class and away from the designated work area.