Feb 04, 2025
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHPB 9980 - DrPH Integrated Learning Experience/Dissertation 3 to 9 Hours As part of an integrative learning experience, DrPH candidates generate field-based, high-quality written products consistent with advanced practice designed to influence programs, policies or systems addressing public health. The products demonstrate synthesis of foundational and concentration specific competencies, and specific requirements may be found in the DrPH Student Handbook. Successful completion requires a significant contribution to the theoretical, conceptual, empirical, or practice base in the field of public health. Doctoral students who have achieved candidacy must register for this course each term until graduation to satisfy the continuous registration requirement. DrPH Integrated Learning Experience/Dissertation may extend beyond one semester. A grade of IP (indicating that satisfactory progress was made on the dissertation) or U (indicating lack of satisfactory progress) is assigned each semester. At the end of the semester during which the DrPH Integrated Learning Experience is completed, a grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) is assigned to the student. Please note that this course is variable credit, and the instructor reserves the right to require additional coursework for any increase in credit hours. Students must adjust their own variable credits prior to the end of registration (http://registrar.gsu.edu/registration/registration-guide/how-to-change-credit-hours-for-variable-hours-courses/).
Prerequisite(s): Must be officially enrolled as a Doctoral-level Public Health and have instructor consent. Corequisite(s): None. Pre/Corequisite(s): None. Requirements: None.