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The World Languages Teacher Certification Certificate provides initial teacher preparation in Foreign Language Education for individuals holding a bachelor’s degree and who have an interest in teaching Spanish, German, French, Chinese or Korean in P-12 settings. The course of study meets the requirements for professional certification at the initial level.
Program Academic Regulations
Upon admission to a teacher education program, students will be contacted by the Office of Field Placements and Certification with instructions to claim enrollment in their program and submit a GaPSC Pre-Service Certificate Application. The pre-service certificate is required for placement in required field experiences or clinical practice.
Each student is advised by a faculty member from the Foreign Language Education Program. The advisor and students complete a planned program of study in light of the needs of individual students.
Exit requirements for this program are:
- Completion of all program coursework with a grade point average of no less than 3.0.
- Successful completion of the teaching internships with a grade of “B” or higher.
Students in this program will be eligible to be recommended for Georgia initial certification after earning passing scores on the GACE Program Admission Assessment, GACE Content Assessment for the specific language, Georgia Educator Ethics -Entrance (350) and Exit (360) Assessment, and providing evidence of the equivalent of 21 credit hours of language, culture, and literature study (living abroad and/or heritage language learning experiences considered by Program Advisors), edTPA, and successfully completing the following courses.